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Hello guys, welcome to another time with yours truly. Forgive me for the long silence. I have been dealing with a lot lately. Today, I want to write about something that might be funny but I am really serious about this. This topic of discussion is the songs that should not be heard in a hospital either by the patient or the visitor. These songs, as beautifully written as they are can bring down the morale of an individual. I always say that words have more effect on us than actions. If you keep singing a song, that song becomes a part of you and can affect any decision you want to make. If you want to make any contributions please click on the links below or just leave your views on the comment box. Let’s start with Number 10: Mary J Blidge – I’m going down This song is basically about a woman who is missing her man and her frustration can be heard from the lyrics and in her voice. But here is the problem when this song is played in the hospital. The chorus just say...


Hello people, welcome to my blog. I hope you are having a blessed day. Today I want to write about something I just watched on YouTube called the “Celebrities who have fallen victim to their own insecurities”. Please note that I am not writing this article to botch the increasing demand for plastic surgeries in the world today; but I am writing this to tell you and all who are thinking of augmenting or “correcting” your perceived flaws that you have nothing to be ashamed of. They say that there are two sides to every coin but so let me state one side of the coin. The first is, you want to look pretty and acceptable to others. When you are a movie buff life me, you tend to idolize people who the media have termed “beautiful” because they have certain features that they lack. For instance someone would like to have the chiselled jaw of Michael Douglas, the puffy lips of Angelina Jolie, the chin dimple of Michael Douglas, the Hourglass frame of Halle Berry and so on. We forget th...


Hello folks, I am writing this article in the spur of the moment. I don’t know if I have written this before but everyone is capable of both abominable acts and heroic acts as well. I have heard this quote that what a man can do; a woman can do better but let me ask you something (as a joke) can a woman pee in a bottle? Well I don’t know but according to sources (wink) it is impossible. Please note that I am not a narcissist when it comes to female empowerment but I am saying that there are things in life that can be done by both sexes that are thought to be impossible.


Hello folks and welcome to another time with yours truly. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that you have taken the time from your busy schedule to read my articles. Today, I want to write about societal values and the reality of our society. We live in a world where we are told as children not to do certain things and when we grow up some of us eventually do those things we were told not to do, end up regretting it and tell our children not to make the same mistakes they made. It all feels like a giant cosmic loop.


Hello once again, sorry about being late for this Father’s day piece but I want to write something about this special day. I want to dedicate this piece to my father. So many people are not fortunate to have a father due to circumstances beyond their control; for that I offer my condolences. Last year, I wrote a piece concerning Father’s Day titled, Evolution from Boyhood to Manhood . Check it out.


Hello folks, and welcome to another time with yours truly. Today, I want to talk about a controversial subject matter titled “The Human Price Tag”. I am sure you might be asking, “What on earth made this guy choose this topic”? Well it’s because I have seen what is happening in our society when it comes to relationships, beauty and societal class.


Hello folks and welcome to my blog. I am so happy that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to read my thoughts on various subject matters. Before I start I want to say (although it is kind of late at this stage), HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. For all the women who support their men, children and home, you have my utmost respect and admiration. I am the product of a good woman, so I will fall for good women like you. Based on the salutation I just made, you should have noticed the where I am going with this topic.


Hello people, how are you? (Not quoting Adele here LOL) I want to resume something I started last year which is the THIN LINE SERIES. Today I want to talk about when professionalism can turn to mediocrity and how thin the line is between these two variables. Before I begin, I want to give my personal definition of who a professional is and who a mediocre is. A professional is someone who takes the time to practice a particular craft to the point you are an authority on that particular subject/craft. A mediocre on the other hand, only knows the basics of a particular craft and sticks to his/her “guns” thinking it is the “end all, be all” of that particular specialty.


Hello folks, I want to once again thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on every subject matter I write upon. Please leave your comments at the comment box and e-mail me on the address below if you want to get personal with me. Today, I want to talk about something that is so obvious that we see it every day. All classes of society (the rich, middle class and poor), are aware of this fact that it is a Wild World; Make no mistakes, the fact that you are born of a woman you will experience tribulations all you have to do is face it head on. The Bible states that “In this world you will face tribulations but don’t worry I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).


Hello folks, welcome to another time with yours truly. I want to write how grateful I am that you found the time of day to read my works. I am so grateful. Please take the time to check out the previous articles and let me know what you think at the comment section below. The topic I want to write on today looks like the title of an 80’s Rhythm and Blues song but today, I want to talk about something that is starting to become a foreign concept in our society today. That is, “unconditional attachments”. If you go through the previous links in this blog, you will find that I have written similar topics to this but I just want to reiterate on this subject matter. As usual, I like to be balanced in all my write ups but I want to talk about how the balance of unconditional attachments has affected our society negatively.

It’s my life (Is it?)

Hello folks, first of all I just want to say how sorry I am for not posting any content for a while. I’m back and I want to share something that has been bothering me and my personal answers that I sought to what was bothering me. The issue I want to write about is, WHO OWNS YOUR LIFE? I know what you are thinking; “the topic doesn’t match the subject” but please bear with me and read this little piece. This topic is a continuation of an article I wrote called FREEDOM . Please click on the link and let me know what you think. Please remember your input on the matter will be appreciated.


Hello, and welcome to the iexcel360 blog. I want to start by appreciating you for clicking on my link. It gives me so much pleasure that you take the time out of your busy schedule to read my articles. For you can read more articles by clicking on the sidebar which contains links of previous articles that I have written on various subject matters.


Hello once again, I hope you have had (or having) a productive day. Once again, I want to thank you for finding the time to read my blog, it is an honour to know that there is someone out there who has the time to read what I have to say about certain matters. Please leave your comments on the comment box below for either contributions or criticism; both are welcome.

SELF LOVE (Part 2)

Hello people, welcome to another time with yours truly, and thank you for taking your precious time to look at my blog. Today I want to continue from where I stopped in my last article on Self Love. In the last issue, I wrote about how the physical side of self love. Right now I want to write about its spiritual side; in order words how you can love yourself spiritually. In the last issue I used Ne-Yo’s quote on the popular song “Let me love you until you learn to love yourself”. This time I want to talk about my anchor, mentor and best friend Jesus Christ when he said “Love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; the second is like it love your neighbour as you love yourself” ( Mark 12:30-31 ). In my last article, I wrote that the person that loves you should be someone who impacts you positively and not the other way round. I will try to keep this article as brief as I can.

SELF LOVE (Part 1)

Hello folks once again, hope you are having a blast. Well, I want to talk about something that just popped into my mind. It is called SELF LOVE . If I am to be completely honest with you, the song “Let me love you” be Ne-Yo just sparked on the back of my mind. The lyric of the song says “Let me love you, and I will love you until you learn to love yourself”. My question is this, do you need to be loved by someone else before you love yourself?


Hello folks, hope you are having a wonderful time. Today I want to talk about something that is predominant in our society which is the fine art of giving people Second Chances. It took me a lot of time and chastisement from close friends and family to change my (narrow) view on the topic of Second Chances. And I want to share with you my view(s) on the matter. Second chances to me are one of the rarest currencies that are spent in relationships with other people. We live in a world where we are trying to outsmart each other and the concept of “fierce independence” is now a concept that everyone is inculcating into our daily lives. I like to be balanced in my write-ups so I have to say this; independence is good but to be fiercely independent can lead to loneliness because you will be angry at anyone that comes your way. The fact that you are heartbroken does not mean that everyone is a heart breaker.


Hello folks, and thanks for clicking on my link. First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day and I hope you are having a wonderful time with your loved ones on this special day. Today, I want to write about the elusive phenomenon called love. To me, love is a deep feeling of care and passion that connects one person to another. This feeling is what makes one human. Although animals have this kind of feeling but I want to talk about human beings and why I say this love is elusive in nature.


Hello folks, I am glad you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to read my article. Today I want to write about Self Hurt or Self Infliction of pain. This article is more of a continuation of my previous article titled THE SLOW POISON . I sincerely hope that my point of view about this topic will make a huge difference in your life. I have watched a lot of movies and seen a lot of people who have given themselves to self pain to get rid of the pain caused by circumstances or someone. This is one of the natural human responses to internal pain; we try to replace internal pain with external pain hoping that they will cancel each other out. But I am here to tell you that pain (internal and external) will not make you feel better about your condition.


Hello, welcome to my blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading my previous articles, if you haven’t, please click on the PREVIOUS hyperlink to read other articles that come out of this crazy head of mine. Today, I want to write about being the best you that you can be. The source for this topic comes from a quote by popular Country Artist Blake Sheldon in the popular TV Talent show, THE VOICE. What does it take to be the best you that you can be? This question has been ringing in my head each time I repeat that episode of the voice where Blake Sheldon said these words “I just want to help you be the best you that you can be”. There are situations where people have little to no faith in you and say that you do not have what it takes to be like someone as great as Nat King Cole, Bill Gates, Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson and other notable figures in world history.


Hello once again folks and welcome to my blog. Today I want to write about something which will lead to something that will make that “something” meaningful. The “something” want to talk about is, double-speaking. This is a term I just leant in the book I am reading right now which is POINT MAN by Steve Farrar. According to how I understood it, double speaking is when we minimize the gravity of a negative word to make it more palatable to the ear. To make my point clear, here are a few examples. We call Adultery which is a “harsh” word and replace it with “Affair”, Fat as “Big Boned”, and Fornicating as “Testing the Waters”.

Fire and Ice

Hello once again and welcome to another time with me on the iExcel360 blog. I hope you are having a wonderful time? Thank you so much for clicking on this link. Please take the time to read my previous articles. I can only hope that every article you read will inspire you to greater heights. Today I want to talk about Fire and Ice. This article is not about the animated movie of the same name but it’s about the highs/lows, the ups/downs, the good/bad and the better/worse times that everyone in life has to go through. If you think that from the day you were born till now everything in your life has been rosy, you will have to rethink again because everyone has experienced the good and the bad times of life because the good and the bad times make me who I am as an individual.


Hello once again and thanks for clicking on the iExcel blogspot link. It has been almost two years since I started this blog and I am thankful to all of you out there that take your precious time out of your busy schedules to read what I have to say about certain subject matters that are trending in our society. The trend I want to discuss today is what society views as “Beauty”. I used to think that beauty was a word used on the female folk but I have realized that there are men that can be referred to as beautiful. Before we start, I would like to ask the question. What is beauty? Is it the shape of the face? Is it the size of the eyes? Is it the colour of the eyes? Is it in the shape of the lips? Is it in the body type? Well to find out my opinion please stay glued to this article (LOL).