folks, and welcome to another time with yours truly. Today, I want to talk
about a controversial subject matter titled “The Human Price Tag”. I am sure
you might be asking, “What on earth made this guy choose this topic”? Well it’s
because I have seen what is happening in our society when it comes to
relationships, beauty and societal class.
recently read an article online where a matured lady advised younger women, to
test their spouses before marrying them. This is to make sure that all the
“settings” in the Hardware (men) is functional so that they won’t have problems
when it comes to sex. In women, the men want to make sure that they are fertile
and in some ridiculous cases, want to make sure that they are virgins. Please try
and understand me, there is nothing wrong in making sure that all these factors
are taken care of but what I have a problem with is, why should these factors I
mentioned be the only criteria in profiling a potential mate? I am going to get
weird here; the truth is, everyone in their lives has made one mistake or the
other and as long as we are alive, and are willing to make changes, we will
become better people.
me elaborate further on this point. Imagine (as a man) you meet a lady, she is
loving, kind, a good listener and a potential good wife but you pump the breaks
on the relationship and keep her on the friend zone because she does not
conform to your definition of “beautiful”. Well let me ask you something; would
you prefer a physically beautiful woman with no moral compass or a
not-so-beautiful woman who will not just make you happy but also make no
attempt to break your heart by cheating on you? Let me get to the women.
Imagine you meet a man who is faithful, respectful, kind and a hard worker and
you pump the breaks in the relationship just because he is not “man enough” or
you feel he will ruin your family DNA because he is not as tall, dark and
handsome as your Ex-boyfriend.
is another example on social class. A man who has so much to offer in the
society has just graduated from the university; his moral compass is always
pointing “North”, he super intelligent but he is unemployed and financially
crippled. Anyone would look at all these features and say that this man is a
failure because he is not rich after all that education. This sort of “setback”
would break any man because he lacks what it takes to make others see him as a
fulfilled man.
enough of the graphic illustrations, let’s get to the heart of the matter. The
word of God says that “God looked at everything he made and it was beautiful” (Genesis
1:31). He also mentioned that we are all “wonderfully and fearfully made” (Psalm
139:14). This means that God took the time to mould and create you as a human
being with so much untapped potential. So what makes you think you are not good
enough, just because you were not told you were not good enough by someone
else? I have said it before and I am going to say it again; I blame the media
for solidifying the known standard of being tagged beautiful. The media has put
a price tag on every human on earth and here is they irony, it is us humans
that are using these mediums to judge ourselves. Everything now is based on
statistics and words spoken by various “authority figures” on subjects like
beauty, fashion and lifestyle.
reason I feel, people are giving other people price tags is because they want
to feel better about themselves by saying stuff like, ‘I’m glad I’m not poor
like him’, ‘I’m glad I’m not as short as he is’, ‘I am more endowed than he
is’, ‘I am more endowed than she is’. Well guess what, IT DOES NOT MATTER. If
you feel you have some form of deformities, please know that you are not the
only one who has those same deformities and not that these ‘deformities’ you
speak of could be another person’s fantasy. Like I said earlier in this piece,
we all make mistakes just make sure you don’t repeat them and learn from the
mistakes of others.
those of you who feel that the other person does not meet up to your standards
as a human being; do what Janet Jackson asked her friends to do in the movie
“WHY DID I GET MARRIED?” she told them to take a sheet of paper and create two
columns. One column to list the bad traits and the other the good traits and if
the bad outweighs the good, then instead of writing them off, pray for them; if
the good outweighs the bad you should stop judging them and take out the price
tag on them because guess what, you are not perfect either. We all have issues
to work on and it is a learning process for all of us until the day we die.
Learn to communicate instead of castigating other people.
those of you out there who are victimized by society, take note of this you are
beautiful just the way you are. For those of you, who are handicapped by your
mistakes, know that you are not alone and as long as you are still breathing,
there is always another way. Show the people who put that price tag on you that
you can make lemonade out the lemons handed to you.
Thanks for reading...
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