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Hello guys, welcome to another time with yours truly. Forgive me for the long silence. I have been dealing with a lot lately. Today, I want to write about something that might be funny but I am really serious about this. This topic of discussion is the songs that should not be heard in a hospital either by the patient or the visitor.

These songs, as beautifully written as they are can bring down the morale of an individual. I always say that words have more effect on us than actions. If you keep singing a song, that song becomes a part of you and can affect any decision you want to make.

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Let’s start with Number 10: Mary J Blidge – I’m going down
This song is basically about a woman who is missing her man and her frustration can be heard from the lyrics and in her voice. But here is the problem when this song is played in the hospital. The chorus just says “I’m going down, my whole world’s upside down”. When a patient hears these words, depression sinks in and could be overcome by giant tidal waves of negativity.

Number 9: In the Air Tonight – Phil Collins
This song is also about pain and loss. But the lyrics make a man feel that he is going to die. If you don’t believe me, check out this line from the chorus: “I can feel it calling in the air tonight oh lord; I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord”. A normal person may be like “well, it’s a good song with catchy lyrics”. But to a sick man on the verge of death, it looks like he/she is feeling the Angel of Death (it) calling in the air tonight. You might have your doubts but this is what I think.

Number 8: Un-break my Heart – Toni Braxton
In my opinion, this is one of the most heart wrenching songs that I have ever listened to. The ice cold whispers of the vocalist make the song even more haunting to listen to. To a hospital visitor, the song might just sink him/her into depression because it will remind them of the good times in their lives and the lyrics of the song might just convince them that it is all going away in the blink of an eye. This song does not inspire confidence when encouraging a patient to get better or giving patients hope.

Number 7: Highway to Hell – AC/DC
I don’t really need to tell you how screwed up it is listening to this song in the hospital do I? This song is a Rock Anthem among Rock and Roll fans. But in a hospital, it makes a patient whose spirit is broken lose all hope of redemption or heaven entirely when he hears the “catchy” chorus: “I’m on a highway to Hell”. That’s just plain insanity and no patient should have to listen to this song.

Number 6: See You Again – Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth
Now this is a great eulogy for someone who is already dead not for someone who is on the verge of recovery. I must confess, I fell in love with this song not just because it was one of the theme songs in one of my favourite Fast and Furious sequels, but the time and the heart that was invested in the song itself. But then again when someone who is suffering from something as minute as a scratch on the buttocks hears this song in the hospital’s Public Address system, he will begin to think the worst about his/her situation.
Number 5: Knocking on Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan
This song is one of the most haunting songs one can ever hear. Imagine someone you know is suffering from a terminal illness and is on life support with a determination to live and you hear this song; that patient will definitely lose that fight when he hears the chorus “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”. Although I feel the song is about repentance and surrender but unless that patient is a Christian and is ready to leave the “mortal plain”, I don’t recommend any hospital patient listening to this song.

Number 4: The Sound of Silence – Simon and Garfunkel
My spine tingles whenever I hear the haunting lyrics of this song. This song literarily is about the silence of death which should not be heard by someone who wants to live. The vocals are enchanting and hypnotic to the point one would find death appealing. SCARY

Number 3: Stay with Me – Sam Smith
“Oh darling stay with me, cause you are all I need”. This song will bring the most ice hearted human being to tears at the prospect of losing someone precious. At home, you might think about losing your spouse to another but in the hospital, you are afraid of losing someone to the gripping arms of death which is more painful. So please don’t have this song on your playlist when visiting a friend.

Number 2: Say Something – A Great Big Word ft. Christina Aguilera
Whew! What can I say about this one? It’s what I would call Beautiful Hopelessness. The lyrics don’t inspire hope or confidence at all. Imagine yourself with a loved one and you play the chorus of this song “Say something I’m giving up on you”. I don’t care how beautifully the song was written, but if you want to listen to this song, please listen to it in the comfort (or discomfort) of your own home not in the hospital. I would literally kill anyone who plays this song in a hospital.

Number 1: Unsteady – X Ambassadors
As far as depressing songs go, this is by far the most depressing song ever made in the history of ever. This is the sort of song you listen to as you wallow about being dumped by your spouse while chugging on a bucket of Ice Cream and Chicken wings. But to a patient, the lyrics of this song carry more weight than they realize. The lines of this song speak for themselves: “Hold on to me ‘cause I’m a little unsteady”. What could be more unsettling than that? Instead of the patient mourning about their predicament, they should be given hope.

I know you might say that it is easier said than done or that I have not been the shoes of a patient; well, guess what? I know what it is like to feel helpless and alone but I was not encouraged by sad songs, but I was encouraged by the words of my family and friends along with some good music which I will discuss in my next piece.

If you hear any of these songs or any depressing song in the hospital public address system, you can take a baseball bat and destroy the speakers (and pay the damages), or you could go to the control room and tell them to change the music or face a lawsuit; I’m fine with either one. And if you see or hear someone playing such depressing songs, go and talk to that person and try to convince him/her that there is still hope as long as they are alive.

Thanks for reading
I look forward to reading your comments on the box below.
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