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Hello once again and thanks for clicking on the iExcel blogspot link. It has been almost two years since I started this blog and I am thankful to all of you out there that take your precious time out of your busy schedules to read what I have to say about certain subject matters that are trending in our society.

The trend I want to discuss today is what society views as “Beauty”. I used to think that beauty was a word used on the female folk but I have realized that there are men that can be referred to as beautiful. Before we start, I would like to ask the question. What is beauty? Is it the shape of the face? Is it the size of the eyes? Is it the colour of the eyes? Is it in the shape of the lips? Is it in the body type? Well to find out my opinion please stay glued to this article (LOL).

The media, over the ages has been providing information on what authority figures in the fashion and beauty industry have said to be “beauty”. We are sucked into shows like Project Catwalk, Men’s/Women’s Magazine, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Fashion Police just to mention a few. Please keep in mind that I am not saying that these shows are bad, also the fact that I know these shows, proves that I am a little bit fashion conscious. But my quarrel with these shows is that these people try to put a standard on beauty which should not be so.

The media over-hypes certain individuals to the point where the viewers will develop low self esteem to look exactly like what they see on television. I read a newspaper article a few years ago where two siblings saved money for plastic surgery just to look like Brad Pitt. When I read the details of the surgery, I have to cringe when I read the painful procedures these young men had to go through because they were not considered handsome by societal standards. Men are not the only ones who suffer from societal bashes; women have been known to have plastic surgeries more than men for cosmetic purposes. The most prominent forms of plastic surgeries include nose jobs, liposuction, breast enhancement, and hip enlargement etc all just to look like someone on the television or newspaper.

Here is my definition of beauty. Beauty is 90% inner and 10% outer. Inner beauty is where someone (male/female) fears God and has a good heart. Most celebrities live very raunchy lifestyles from drinking, smoking and an unhinged sex lifestyle. These are not the qualities of a beautiful person. I once heard a celebrity that said that she wanted to test every aspect of her personality because the beauty she has will not last long so she plays on “both teams”. If you fear God, you will not indulge yourself to look like someone else because everybody is beautiful by default. When God created everything he said “it was good” (Genesis 1) why should man who was created by God tell another man that he is not good enough?

For those of you who have low self esteem because of your height, weight and looks, please take a good look at the mirror and say to yourself that “I am good”. If everyone looked like Brad Pitt (of which I am one of his biggest fans), the whole world will be boring. Besides, there are other people who are more handsome than Brad Pitt and more beautiful/rambunctious like Kim Kardarshian. Nigerian Singer Asa is seen to be “not so beautiful” by society’s standard but her talent has made her a house hold name. Genevieve Nnaji is a 5 Star actress with numerous accolades to her name and she is beautiful by societal standards but when she tried her hands in music, .........well, let’s just say I had to use ear plugs because I was listening to her songs with some friends. You have to know that these famous celebrities, started somewhere with what they had at their disposal. These famous people were once bullied, called ugly and were ridiculed by members of their peers. But they ignored the negativity and somehow turned it into a source of positive strength which made them what they are today. We are all made to contribute our quota to the society with our unique individualities.

Here is my advice for you. Find out what works best for you instead of trying to fit in another person’s shoes. Don’t try to change your physical form. Instead try to renew your mind everyday by reading God’s word (that’s me), listening to inspirational messages/talks, or hang out with friends who share the same enthusiasm as you do. A beautiful body may get you far but a beautiful mind will get you farther. If you have the combination of the two well the sky will be your starting point. I am sure some might say that you cannot have the two, well it is possible. I have been blessed to meet beautiful and good natured women in my life and I have learnt a lot just being with them. Don’t hate on someone who has what you don’t have. Make what you have count and make society a better place for everyone. Don’t give in to the illusion of beauty presented by others.

If you have a bible, please take the time to read this scripture Proverbs 31 for the biblical definition of female beauty.

I look forward to reading your comments on the box below.
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