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Fire and Ice

Hello once again and welcome to another time with me on the iExcel360 blog. I hope you are having a wonderful time? Thank you so much for clicking on this link. Please take the time to read my previous articles. I can only hope that every article you read will inspire you to greater heights.

Today I want to talk about Fire and Ice. This article is not about the animated movie of the same name but it’s about the highs/lows, the ups/downs, the good/bad and the better/worse times that everyone in life has to go through. If you think that from the day you were born till now everything in your life has been rosy, you will have to rethink again because everyone has experienced the good and the bad times of life because the good and the bad times make me who I am as an individual.

I want to keep the article short and simple so, please bear with me. What happens when we keep gold in the fire for too long? Here is what I think. Each and every one of us is a work in progress. We are not as refined as we should be. Gold in its raw form is ugly to look at. But when it is exposed to the fire, dross is removed and its pure form is seen when cooled down with cold water. If the gold is kept in the fire for too long, it will dry up just like any other liquid when exposed to fire, and you cannot get pure gold when you wash it in water alone. You need both to acquire the desired result.

Let’s take a look at the process of growing up. When we were babies, we experienced the fire of crawling on our hands and knees and the difficulties of reaching certain heights. And before we knew it we took what is known as “baby steps” and after infancy we had to play “tug of war” with puberty in dealing with emotions and “feelings” that are new to us. And now adulthood where we have to deal with the uncertainties that life poses on us and then old age where we have to deal with rheumatism and all manner of diseases that come with old age.

In life, everything will not always go your way. You have to experience the fire (harsh realities) and Ice (cold facts) to come out on top in anything you set your sights on. I was watching a movie titled “Sniper”. The instructor told his pupils that a Sniper will have to experience and wait in terrible weather conditions for his/her target and will sometimes have to urinate on himself or else he/she might give away his position to the enemy.

Life is not easy but if we want to graduate from the level of “everybody else” to the level of “somebody”, you should be willing to go through the fire and ice of life. Do not fear, God in his word told us that he will not allow any temptation that is beyond our ability to control (1 Corinthians 10:13). The Fire and Ice we experience in life amount to what we call EXPERIENCE. We take in the experience we’ve learnt and the experiences of others and transform them to the people we are today. The bad experiences should teach you a lesson and the good ones should encourage you to do more and improve on what you are doing.

So people, when you experience Fire or Ice or both combined, you should be thankful because, you are one of the privileged people who will come out as clean and beautiful as gold and as strong as steel. Take both of these challenges (Fire and Ice) in stride and I assure you, you will come out on top in everything you do.

I look forward to reading your comments on the box below.
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