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Hello folks and welcome to another time with yours truly. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that you have taken the time from your busy schedule to read my articles. Today, I want to write about societal values and the reality of our society. We live in a world where we are told as children not to do certain things and when we grow up some of us eventually do those things we were told not to do, end up regretting it and tell our children not to make the same mistakes they made. It all feels like a giant cosmic loop.

The sole purpose of my article is how to make sure the harshness of reality does not corrode the good values that is becoming a rare phenomenon in our society. So, let’s begin.

These days, it is hard to differentiate reality from lies. Time and time again, I have heard certain “realities” that have been swallowed up by society and accepted as truth. For instance, I was told that if you don’t sleep around with women, you are not considered a real man. Also, if you are single, you will die alone or you have to sample all your options in life before settling on one. Men and women are told to explore options in life by going into relationships (which is not bad) but they end up indulging in premarital sex to test the “waters”. They end up comparing and contrasting each other and taking pot shots at their inadequacies. We forget that human beings are not robots and we have emotions and need to support each other. Just because someone does not meet your standards as an ideal mate, that does not mean you should rule them out as invalids.

Another reality that is being consumed by our society is the art of hoarding huge amounts of money. Today, we hear and read of politicians who siphon money and hide it in foreign bank accounts all over world. Well, I have one thing to say to you guys, good luck spending all of it. I watched a documentary recently where a Millionaire made a small calculation. Most millionaires have as much as One Billion dollars in their accounts. If you have One Billion dollars, you can live on roughly Thirty Thousand Dollars a day for One hundred years. An ordinary citizen in Nigeria lives most of his day on less than five dollars (being reasonable here), but a politician will steal more than One Billion dollars just because he can. Tell me something, any human being spend thirty thousand dollars in one day? Why can’t they be content with what they have? The accepted reality in this situation is, if you are a politician, you should take as much as you can while you are still in office while moral values state that if you are a politician, you should serve the people because you were elected by them and that makes you a public servant not a public master.

There are other realities that have being accepted whole heartedly by the society. But that should not be so. Why don’t we go back to our roots and look for that tiny piece of innocence in our hearts. Well yes, we may have grown up and have made a lot of mistakes but I think it is time for us to sit back and think about our lives and our tomorrow. If you have a habit of sleeping with women or vice versa, what sort of moral advice will you give to your own children? Are you going to give your son a condom before he goes to school with the silly excuse “he is a man, I did worse things at his age”? Or are you going to keep your daughter on contraceptive pills just because you are convinced she will make the same choices you made? I have heard parent also say comments like “It’s their time, let them enjoy themselves”. Well, you may have forgotten that some of your age mates were not as lucky as you are. Some have Liver cirrhosis from excessive alcohol consumption, HIV/AIDS from excessive philandering, broken homes from adultery and so on.

Please, think of the dangers you are exposing your children to. They are the future. The bible clearly states that you should train a child the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). This shows that parents will be held accountable for the children that are entrusted to us. The first moral teacher is you, not the television, not the magazine, not the internet, not the house help, not the school teacher but you. Make your children create a reality where righteousness will be their guide in life. I know it might seem I am encouraging parents to live a double life style but that’s not what I am telling you. I am telling you to remodel your minds for the sake of your children because whether you like it or not, they are the splitting image of you as a parent. If they are wayward, the society (as rotten as it is) will blame you the parents for lack of home training. But if children are well mannered, the society will treat you (the parents) like heroes even if you have a shady past.

For those of you who are in the rut and you feel that there is no way out for you, well you are reading this article and that means you are still alive which gives you a chance to re-evaluate your life and make the right choices. You may not have a good upbringing but that does not make you a bad person. You have to learn on your own to love and forge those values into your system. It’s a painful process but broken bones are much stronger when mended. Take the time to reinvent yourself and create your own reality.

People, reality will always be there, but it is your personal values that count in the long run.

Thanks for reading...

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