Hello folks, I am writing this
article in the spur of the moment. I don’t know if I have written this before
but everyone is capable of both abominable acts and heroic acts as well. I have
heard this quote that what a man can do; a woman can do better but let me ask
you something (as a joke) can a woman pee in a bottle? Well I don’t know but
according to sources (wink) it is impossible. Please note that I am not a
narcissist when it comes to female empowerment but I am saying that there are
things in life that can be done by both sexes that are thought to be
This takes my mind back to one of
the many movies I have watched titled “Columbiana” the lead character is a
femme fatale of a lady that can sneak into any building even a police station
and kill her intended mark with surgical precision. She is always 2, 3, 4 or 5
steps ahead of the mark and will leave the scene without any trace of her
presence. Before then, we see this sort of acting in men like James Bond and
Jason Bourne but it is shown that women can step up to the plate.
Let us take a look at some real
life situations. Its pains me to say this but I just recently found out that
men are not the only ones who have the proclivity to rape the opposite sex.
Just recently, I read an article of a group of women who raped a man in
Zimbabwe. When you turn on your television or read the papers, the rape
suspects we see are mostly men it’s only in rare cases you find a woman in the
front page. But it happens. This is because I was taught in school that a woman
cannot rape a man because according to the law, sex is not rape if there is
“mutual consent” and there is no forceful penetration. Now tell me, how can a
man who has been stained by the “sex animal” stereotype defend himself when he
is raped because according to biology, a woman cannot penetrate a man. But this
myth has been rebuffed in this Wikipedia article titled rape by deception. This goes to show
that women can rape like men.
Let us take a look at some
biblical examples. My main man Gideon was just a local farmer during the
forceful occupation of the Midianites. An angel of the lord came and saluted
but he went and cowered in fear thinking he was one of the Midianites. The
Angel called him a mighty warrior but Gideon thought it was ironic because the
literal translation of his name was “Warrior”. He was fearful because he had
not confidence in himself so he chose to stick with his living situation by
telling the angel that his tribe was not like the major tribes in Israel but
one of the least tribes. To cut the long story short Gideon was inspired and
all doubts concerning his destiny were cleared and he lead the children of
Israel to victory for more details please read the book of Judges Chapter 6
till Chapter 8.
As human beings, we are limited
by our societal norms to make us think that we are not capable of certain
things (as seen in the previous paragraph). We are told that just because
someone has performed a particular feat, you are not capable of topping that
feat. We forget that these “feat makers” had one thing that everyone has at
their disposal which is TIME. They groomed their dreams with practice,
sacrifice and perseverance to get to where they wanted to be. To buttress my
point, please take the time to look at the Guinness Book of Records. You will
find people who pushed the limits of their bodies and imagination leave their
mark in the world. Society views these people as crazy because “no normal human
is capable of such things” but these individuals scale the societal fence of
limitations to make their dreams come true.
I just want to say that we are
limited by our choices. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do that thing
you want to do (as long as it is good and morally sound). We live in a world
where a graduate in English language can be a better programmer than someone who
graduated with a degree in Computer studies. We have people who are breaking
stereotypes, making their own worlds and celebrated for doing so. I want to
enjoin you to join the train. Living a regular 9 to 5 life may seem safe and
logical but in the long run it gets boring because your remaining potentials
will be screaming for attention and if you stay hidden behind the confined
fence of limitation, you will end up regretting doing so for the rest of your
Like I said earlier, find healthy
ways to explore your hidden treasures; look for something new you feel you can
add to your repertoire of skills and add some spark into your life. I’m not
saying that you should resign from your Job but the moral of this article is to
push yourself and find out what other things you are capable of and start doing
them. So, the question is, how do I find that extra skill that is unique to me?
Everyone is different, look around you and beyond you; there is so much that
you can do. You can try turning on the television and if you see something that
sparks that inner fire in you, you should try it. For instance, if you are
listening to some music and you find yourself drawn to a particular instrument
or the vocals of the musician, you can take up a self training class in music
or if you can afford it take a class in music and after that, practice to
improve yourself. After all that, you can find people and make friends who
share the same passion as you do.
Don’t let life limit you, break
free and do all the good you can do because the world is waiting for you. It
will be a waste to keep all that potential buried and die with them.
think about this and make that change. It starts with you and me.
I look
forward to reading your comments.
If you
want to reach me on facebook, follow this link www.facebook.com/iexcel360
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