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Hello people, welcome to my blog. I hope you are having a blessed day. Today I want to write about something I just watched on YouTube called the “Celebrities who have fallen victim to their own insecurities”. Please note that I am not writing this article to botch the increasing demand for plastic surgeries in the world today; but I am writing this to tell you and all who are thinking of augmenting or “correcting” your perceived flaws that you have nothing to be ashamed of.

They say that there are two sides to every coin but so let me state one side of the coin. The first is, you want to look pretty and acceptable to others. When you are a movie buff life me, you tend to idolize people who the media have termed “beautiful” because they have certain features that they lack. For instance someone would like to have the chiselled jaw of Michael Douglas, the puffy lips of Angelina Jolie, the chin dimple of Michael Douglas, the Hourglass frame of Halle Berry and so on. We forget that these people have insecurities of their own. I take a look at their life stories and I realize they took those “flaws” and turned them into something that everybody envies. Celebrities like Michael Jackson (Rest in Peace) have fallen victim to this vice. He had so many nose jobs, facial reconstructions and skin lighting treatments that made him almost unrecognizable in the later part of his life. Do you know that a chin dimple is said to be a medical anomaly? Do you know there was a time that having a big butt would disqualify you as a model? These days, you will find different types of models out there from heavily endowed models to plus sized models of different heights and races. This is because these people took a stand to create their own reality to be envied by other people through hard work and dedication.

The second side to this coin is the fact that there are some people with real anomalies that can be fixed with plastic surgeries. Now, I wholly endorse this side of the coin because there are some problems that could impede an individual like an internal/external growths caused by accidents, skin burns, and eye problems and unnatural reactions to certain chemicals. These types of surgeries are permissible because you are trying to correct an anomaly in your body. Please note that your body is a temple. You have a responsibility to keep it clean and healthy for yourself. There is a show on E! News titled BOTCHED. This is where you see people who have had previous surgeries coming to consult with professional surgeons to correct their mistakes. This show is the ultimate example of the futility of Insecurity. There was a particular episode where a middle aged lady had lost a lot of weight by following a low carb fat diet regiment and she lost a lot of weight but the flaps of extra skin was so much that she had to fold her skin and use duct tape as a corset to keep the skin in shape. She went to the doctors and they performed surgery on her without adding any features. They just fixed the problem and she was able to walk with confidence.

Let’s take a look at one of my heroes, Nick Vujic. This man is known as a man without limbs. He has every reason to be insecure about his condition but he uses his “disability” to share the gospel and impact lives all over the world. His stage presence is better than most accomplished public speakers. He speaks without shame and so much confidence that it intimidates me. And here is the kicker; he is married to a gorgeous woman who showers love on him in public places without shame. I therefore ask myself, what do I have to be so insecure about? I have been given everything I need to succeed in life; I have my arms, legs, voice, I breathe free oxygen without the use of machines so why do I need to be like someone else when I can be someone?

Here is my advice to all of you who feel you are not beautiful enough or you have been told by other people that you do not meet their own standard of beauty. You are wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalm 139:14). You were designed as the only you in the whole world. There is no one like you. You can get inspired by other people but that only breaks the steel gates of limitation to usher in tidal waves of potential in you. The celebrities I mentioned above went through the same procedure. Some of them were born with silver spoons others had to work for it. Either way, they created their own stories for others to follow. You should do the same.

Let us spread the love.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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