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Hello folks, I am glad you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to read my article. Today I want to write about Self Hurt or Self Infliction of pain. This article is more of a continuation of my previous article titled THE SLOW POISON. I sincerely hope that my point of view about this topic will make a huge difference in your life.

I have watched a lot of movies and seen a lot of people who have given themselves to self pain to get rid of the pain caused by circumstances or someone. This is one of the natural human responses to internal pain; we try to replace internal pain with external pain hoping that they will cancel each other out. But I am here to tell you that pain (internal and external) will not make you feel better about your condition.

Here is a typical example of what I mean by self hurt. A woman or man goes through heart break and starts to binge on alcohol (men and women) or in some chic flicks Ice cream (women). They take in so much poison and cholesterol hoping that it will dull the heart felt pain that is inflicted by someone. Another example is here a Teenager inflicts him/herself with physical pain by cutting themselves with razor blades in order for them to cancel out the internal abuse they are getting from their relatives and society in general.

These people who inflict themselves with physical pain tend to want to “share” that pain with others. They perform societal vices like armed robbery, petty theft, bullying and in some cases sexual abuse (rape) in order to prove that they are not as powerless as they think they are.

I intend to keep this article as short as possible so, let me get straight to the point. You cannot defeat evil with evil. I am sure you will say that I have never experienced pain but let me tell you something about me. I know what it feels like to experience pain and anguish from people; can you guess how I got out of it? I met other people who were not like the people I knew who showed me love, compassion and led me on the right path; thereby restoring my faith in people. They showed me love and halted the Cancer called the “hate” Cancer. The fact that people failed you does not mean that everyone will fail you; like they say “Not all fingers are equal”.

For those who grew up in wrecked homes, my advice to you is to look beyond your home because love is out there waiting for you. You just have to look beneath the surface of everyone you meet to find it. The fact that you come from a broken home should not give you the right to hurt others and continue the cycle of hatred. To those who continue this cycle, I really feel sorry for you. You will only end up hurting others who had nothing to do with your pain. This does not make you a better person; it only makes you worse than your tormentors. I was watching a television documentary on world dictators like Stalin and Idi Amin. I learned that these people grew up in abusive households and they took their hatred to the people who knew nothing about their upbringing. In the end Idi Amin had a humiliating exit from his presidential seat and his country.

Please remember people or society does not owe you anything. You have a choice to become evil or good. Make good use of the circumstances around you. The fact that you weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth does not mean that you are less privileged. You cannot know how much it hurts until you wear the shoes of the person you envy.

If you want to stop hurting yourself and others, you should learn to forgive others and yourself. Forgiving is not a nature that is familiar to human beings; we rather prefer revenge because it is sweet, swift and just. If you take revenge, you are telling God that you do not need his help and blood will be required of the person you took revenge on. That is why the Bible says “Vengeance is mine says the Lord” (Romans 12:19). Do not overcome evil with evil but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21), when you do that, you are heaping coals of fire on your tormentors (Romans 12:20) because you are doing what they don’t expect and besides the Bible says that “The rod of the wicked will not rest on the lot of the righteous” (Psalms 125:3) so the God who made you will fight for you as long as you have faith in him. Just exercise patience.

In conclusion, break the cycle of hate and you will be glad that you did because hate breeds self harm with leads to wickedness which poisons the heart which leads to a destroyed destiny and a bleak future. Do not join the band wagon of self destructive people who have given up on life; rather do your absolute best to draw them out of the dark into the light through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Remember, you are responsible for your soul not the person that wronged you. Learn to forgive others, learn to be forgiven and learn to forgive yourself.

I look forward to reading your comments on the box below.
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