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Hello folks and welcome to my blog. I am so happy that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to read my thoughts on various subject matters. Before I start I want to say (although it is kind of late at this stage), HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. For all the women who support their men, children and home, you have my utmost respect and admiration. I am the product of a good woman, so I will fall for good women like you. Based on the salutation I just made, you should have noticed the where I am going with this topic.

Women are the carriers of life; the holders of a home; and the buffer that tempers the fiery rage of men. A good woman always sees beyond the problem/situation and look for solutions where there seems to be none. Then there are some bad women. These women fan the flames of conflict for their own amusement. They look for ways to inflate the ego of men and in the process lead them astray. You might ask me how well, let us take this scenario; you are in high school, you are the school jock, the star of the soccer team. The girlfriend could have one of the two characteristics, she could be the stereotypical Cheerleader who uses her stance as the Alpha lady to intimidate other girls and guys alike or the seemingly “ordinary” girl who just wants to do the right thing and thinks of other people’s needs before hers. The cheerleader could use influences like sex, kiss bombs (unplanned kisses), sweet talk and sometimes blackmail to get what she wants from the boyfriend. The other girl perhaps will encourage, give good advice and wouldn’t use her feminine wiles to get what she wants even though she knows she has them.

Here are a few examples, of good and bad women in history. Let take a look at Michelle Obama. When they basically had nothing, she encouraged him to dream big and built him to the man he is today. Barrack Obama always shows love to his wife live on live television and their story is used as a source of inspiration to young couples all over the world. I saw a news article where Barrack and Michelle were spotted at a local coffee shop having some couple time. I have never seen a President before him who would take the time to show so much affection to his First Lady.

Another example of a good woman is the mother of The Voice contestant J Chosen. For those of you, who don’t watch The Voice, well sorry about that. J Chosen was the first contestant to audition for Season 12 of The Voice (US). Before his audition, he had a brief interview and he talked about how his mother was the biggest inspiration in his life. His father was not around but he was able to take care of his mother and child but the mother taught him values and music was one of the ways she was able instil discipline into his life. The mother became so sick during the competition and I could see that it really messed him up emotionally. Let me ask you something, how will you feel if the woman (spouse/mother) in your life falls into some misfortune?

Let’s take a biblical example of a good woman. There was a man named Nabal who was a greedy/dishonest man. David and his men had taken care of his people by offering protection and a helping hand in shearing sheep. Instead of offering gratitude and gifts, Nabal offered insults by saying “who does David think he is? This angered David and he decided to raid the household of Nabal because he was ungrateful and because of the insult he suffered at his hand (thanks to the inherent fiery rage of men). Abigail being the wise woman that she is, spared her household by loading food and drinks to quell David’s anger; she ended up being his wife when Nabal died after a night of revelries. (I Samuel 25:3-39). There are other biblical examples of good women like Esther who was able to use her feminine influences in a positive way to save the Israelites from certain death and there is Tabitha who widows refused to accept that she was dead because of the good she had done for them.

Here are some examples of bad women. There was a news article I read online once. A woman had a nasty habit of dressing (from scratch) in front of her son. The husband would chastise her for it but she respond by saying “he is just a boy what does he know about anything?” Eventually, the boy grew up with a huge problem which is Chronic Masturbation. Even as a child, he was awakened prematurely to sexual fantasies which became a problem for him when he grew up. Now he has to figure out how to solve this problem that he has. Cases like this are found all over the world where older women go after young, impressionable men and destroy their lives. If you go online, you will find articles on statutory rape where young impressionable boys are seduced by older, experienced women. I am not saying it is only women who do this but either way it is wrong.

There are biblical examples of bad women like Jezebel who used her feminine wiles to manipulate Ahab into committing various atrocities in the land of Israel like worshiping Idols murdering Naboth by using the King’s seal to order the priest to look for lairs to implicate Naboth. Also, we have Zeresh Haman’s wife who gave him bad counsel which eventually led to his death and his entire family. Zeresh was so dubious that she gave him advice on the gallows that were to be made to kill a security guard (Mordecai). For more emphasis, read the book of Esther. She also fanned the flames of evil that were already present in the husband by encouraging and providing counsel on how to approach the king on his petition to wipe out the Israelites.

So folks from the examples set above, I am sure you have figured out the advantages of having a good woman in your corner. You will be saved from a whole world of trouble if you have one. Here is what I think; good women are not considered because they are boring; when I say boring, I mean they don’t appeal to our “vain” selves. We always want to be told the things we want to hear and bad women will give us that in spades. A good woman will always give you good counsel because she has the fear of God in her and she knows that if you succeed, she will succeed as well.

To reiterate my point, the qualities of a good woman are stated in Proverbs 31:10-31. This scripture tells you who a good woman is and how to honour her. Speaking of honouring let me conclude with this; just because your wife is good does not mean that she cannot be bad. Women are human beings who can take a lot of emotional punches from men but us (men), have to respect and apologise to the emotional abuse we put women through every day. We should honour them and support them as well. We have dreams and so do they. We should love and respect them and just like the fertile field that they are, they will love and respect us more for respecting them.

Thanks for reading...

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