folks, I want to once again thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts
on every subject matter I write upon. Please leave your comments at the comment
box and e-mail me on the address below if you want to get personal with me.
I want to talk about something that is so obvious that we see it every day. All
classes of society (the rich, middle class and poor), are aware of this fact
that it is a Wild World; Make no mistakes, the fact that you are born of a
woman you will experience tribulations all you have to do is face it head on. The Bible states that “In this world you will face
tribulations but don’t worry I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
men in this world have experienced trials and tribulations and they all have
one thing in common. They kept on pressing on when they heard this word “NO”.
Many people get discouraged when they hear this word and like they say, there
is power in the tongue. The word no brings out answers like, “this is
impossible”, “you are insane”, and my personal favourite, “you are not thinking
straight”. All these answers stem from a view point that has crippled the
capabilities of humans for ages and that is, LOGIC.
people say, “logically speaking”, they are saying, you don’t have what it takes
to achieve that seemingly impossible task you are about to embark on and in
most cases, they are right. But I look at it this way; if you keep telling me
what I don’t have, why can’t I just get what I don’t have? The fact is, I may
not have what it takes but God gave us one characteristic that is predominant
in all human beings and it is the ability to adapt. Being adaptable is simply
the ability to think.
us take a look at some examples. Jennifer Lopez was told she can’t make it in
the music business because of her large derrière. She was told to reduce her
buttocks if she was to make any headway in the industry. This is just one of
the many challenges she had but she rose to the occasion and today, almost
every young woman in the world wants to be like her and she became every man’s
fantasy. Today, we have people like Beyonce Knowles, The Kardashian family and
so many others who have followed this trend. She was told the problem (which
was a trend of the day), but she rose to the occasion and created her own
trend setter in this wild world is Barbara Streisand. She was told to get a
nose job but she refused and followed her dream. Back then, almost every female
American singer had slim narrow noses but Barbara had a big nose (just like
mine) but her talent brought her recognition. With that recognition, no one
cared if she had a big nose but everyone saw her as beautiful. Today, I can’t
count how many artists who have big noses and have make names for themselves in
the industry. This woman I can say is the epitome of feminine beauty (I mean
beauty by character and not by looks).
final example is the Israelites. Let us go way back to when the children of
Israel were held captive in Egypt. They were so used to the norm of the day
which included excessive beatings from task masters, mass killings of baby boys
and consumption of onions for food (even thinking about it makes me want to
puke). They had cried to God for help but when the help they asked for came,
they were still complaining about how well off they were in the land of Egypt.
They were not ready to face the hardships that come with going to the Promised
Land. That single complaint cost them 40 years in the wilderness.
bible says that as long as you are in this world, you must face adversities.
The fact that you don’t have what someone has does not mean that you can’t get
what that person has. Do you think everyone you see on TV was born that way?
Jennifer Lopez was once homeless. Each celebrity you see has experienced what
you are experiencing growing up; well many not everything, but they had to
struggle with crawling, baby steps, walking, running, tooth growth, puberty,
rejection, disappointments, low self esteem and so on. The difference between
us and them is that they chose to rise above their limitations and face the
world with their swords drawn out to fight.
father has done his very best to give me a solid education all the way to the
university level. He told me this, when I was going through the grinder of
education; He said “You should always strive to improve yourself” and he said
“A good education opens doors for you. You might be talented but talent can get
you far but education with talent will get you farther”. Sure you might say
that “I have Masters Degree and I am still unemployed” but instead of dwelling
on the problem itself, try and adapt to the situation and create your own solution
to the problem.
cards on the table; I am currently unemployed. I am sure people in my condition
will go off the deep and resort to harmful practices like stealing, drug
trafficking, armed robbery and fraudulent practices also known as 419 in
Nigeria. But I take the time to develop myself mentally for my dream which is
to be a great writer. It is tough being unemployed; you have to deal with jeers
from your juniors who got employed before you; you have to deal the fact that
you can’t meet the financial responsibilities of the home. But if you can sit
back and think about what you are good at and perfect it, you will become
sought after. As for me, I came to realize at an early age that I have an
active imagination which came as result of an inquisitive nature and love for
movies but I hated writing. I had to learn the basics of communication and
writing to be the man I am today. I am still learning but I am determined to
push forward and make my mark in this world with the gift God has given me.
a final note, the predominant factors in succeeding in this wild world are
patience, learning and fighting. You may not get what you want all the time but
we are meant to move forward no matter what. As long as you are alive, you have
every opportunity to try all (legal and moral) avenues to realize your worth in
this world. There is so much within us that we have not discovered and it will
be a travesty to throw in the towel before the last round of your life.
keep an open mind and an open heart.
for reading...
I look forward to reading your comments on the box
E-Mail: johnnyogah2000@gmail.com
So everyone, LIVE
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