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I want to continue on the subject matter of Timeless Music. Last time, I wrote
on the subject of secular music and what I feel makes it that timeless vibe
that we have been feeling all through the ages. But today I want to talk about
gospel music. Please take note that when I talk about gospel music, I’m not
just talking about psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, but I am also talking
about other genres of music that promote the gospel like Hip-Hop, R&B,
R&S, Jazz, Soul, Rock and so on.
of all, I would like to say that I am a big fan of all genres of music, so long
as the lyrics can add some value to my life. But gospel music has that “thing”
that lifts the spirit. The words of hope that are carefully arranged in every
lyric being sung creating timeless songs like “Amazing Grace”, “I Surrender”
have shaped destinies and carried people out of depression. Just like the first
part of this article, I would like to write on some of the factors that created
such timeless songs that resonate through the ages.
of the factors that I think is responsible for timeless gospel music is the
training and discipline these artist have in music. From time immemorial, the
church has inculcated discipline in its youths on music. Here in Nigeria, you
will find several churches with young teenagers that have a “Master” of sorts
that teach them music; not just theoretical music, but also training on how to
play the piano, guitar and other musical instruments along with voice training.
And these Music directors also teach these young people, different genres of
music along with allowing the youths freedom to express themselves in their
chosen genre to serve God. This discipline is not just restricted musical
discipline but also moral discipline which includes the fear of God, studying
of his word and the general “basics” of being a Christian.
factor I believe is responsible for timeless Gospel music is a deep connection
with the Holy Spirit. The bible says that the Holy Spirit will teach us all
things (John 14:26). Have you ever felt you had the answer to a particular
question if you just sit and meditate? Well I have. After we confess Jesus as
our personal lord and saviour, we received the full “benefit package” of the
Holy Spirit. Some of you might be asking, who is this Holy Spirit? Well,
according to the bible he is said to be the “Comforter”. He is the one that
gives us boldness to tell the truth, and sing his (God’s) truth/word. Because
the bible states that his word is sharper than a two edged sword breaking
through flesh to the bone (Hebrews 4:12) he also gives us inspiration to what
and how we sing. The bible states that we know not what to pray for but the
Holy Spirit gives us what to pray for so that we do not pray amiss. In the Old
Testament, one of the greatest psalmists King David wrote a lot of songs in
praises to our God. That is because (even though the Holy Spirit was not freely
given back then), he was a constant worshiper who loved God with all his heart
and because of that God’s word was always available to him through prophets
like Samuel and Nathan who relayed messages from God to him during the Good
times and the bad times. He loved God to the point that his wife (Michal) made
fun of him because he did not have the pride of a King but of a “Common”
worshipper of God and she got a swift response from God for what she did (2
Sam. 6:16-17, 20-23).
very important factor I believe is responsible for timeless music is daily devotion
to God’s word. Like I said previously, God’s word is sharper than a two edged
sword. If you are an avid gospel music listener, you will notice that every
lyric sung is directly proportionate to God’s word. God’s word has a way of
helping people overcome their weaknesses. It can be compared to the rousing
words of a general before going to war. God’s word awakens your “inner man” to
the responsibilities he/she has as a Christian. No matter how you look at it,
we live in a world where we are influenced by the words we hear. Have you ever
asked yourself why you are so calm when you hear words like Sorry and I love
you? God’s word has an instantaneous effect when preached/spoken but when it is
sung, it drives the message deeper into the heart of man. When I was a child, I
watched and listened to God’s word sung to me and the scriptures that were sung
are branded into my heart till this moment.
more factor that produces timeless gospel music is being a Prayer Loving Christian. Prayers are a form of communication with
God. Most times, we talk to God with our words which are very effective but when
we worship and praise God, with songs (how can I explain it?), a burden is lifted
out of our souls and there is a form of “release” or “inner peace” that comes
on you as you sing it out. When we use different genres of music to praise
(fast/mid-tempo songs) and worship (slow/mid-tempo songs), we easily
communicate with God because just as God wants to hear you talk, he also wants
to hear you sing; this is seen in when he said sing unto the lord but you
should mix it up with prayers when he was teaching the people the proper way to
pray when he taught them what is known as “The Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13).
conclusion, I believe that in addition to all these factors, you should worship
God with a pure heart. If you are a Gospel minister (or not) and you are
struggling with certain sins that easily tempts you, you should swallow your
pride and come to God admitting your weaknesses and ask for his help. King
David was a man after God’s heart but he committed one of the greatest sins
(murder) to marry another man’s wife (2 Samuel 11). When he was told, his
punishment, he (unlike his predecessor King Saul) asked for forgiveness. If
David an Old Testament King could be forgiven what about you who have been
purchased by the Blood of Jesus which brands you as a Christian (Christ –
bible says “he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide
under the shadow of the almighty” (Psalms 91:1). Have a good relationship with
God and you will be inspired to create tunes and lyrics that will affect the
souls of men positively and rescue them from the iron grip of the enemy (the
devil) and bring them to the light.
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