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WOMEN (Wonders of the World Series)

Hello once again to another beautiful day. I really hope it is beautiful for you because today, I will be writing about a very important subject that titillates the appetite of the male species (me included) and that is, WOMEN. I should have brought this topic up on mother’s day but it skipped my mind but I would just love to air it out with my words, how much I appreciate a woman. First, I would love to give kudos to the first woman in my life and that is (drum roll please), my MOTHER. She is the inspiration on how I look at women today that is why despite my default male make-up, I have no choice but to respect women.

I am sure you have heard about the “Ying and Yang”. Basically, this term is all about the direct opposites in the universe. Man/woman, good/bad, happiness/sadness etc. But the main subject of this term is balance between these opposites. A woman is supposed to be the direct opposite of a man and a man is supposed to be the direct opposite of a woman. I have to admit that men have some feminine tendencies which we try to conceal or take as a joke but we are still men and some women can exhibit male tendencies but that does not make them men, they are still women.

In this world where testosterone filled men have taken control of almost every aspect of the society, we are lucky it has not gone into extinction. This has not happened, because of the women behind the scenes, making sure the balance is kept. Women are the only creatures on this earth that can sway the tides of history. If you want an example, check out Helen of Troy, she was unfaithful to her husband and ran off with a younger lover which sparked a long war of 10 years. Other notable women include Joan of Arc, Winnie Mandela, just to mention a few. If a woman wants you to kill someone, trust me, as long as you have not handed your heart over to her, you will.
Women are the only beings in the world with the ability to love/nurture. They can carry a baby for nine months, go through the pangs of labour, deliver, nurture and train that baby to become a responsible individual in the society. And after training that child, they will ask the husband to give them another child which shows that they are people who can endure an astounding amount of pain (both physically and emotionally) just to have another child. Women sometimes claim that they want to stop at just having two kids but their inherent genetic “Alarm” tells them “one more time” when they see another baby. And they forget all about all about the pain they endured with the first two kids. LOL
Women are also the greatest investment bankers in the world. You give her sperm (forgive me for being graphic) and she gives you a baby. Give her money, and she prepares a meal that would cost a fortune in a classy restaurant. Comment her (truthfully) and she gives you her all. Women are God sent muses that inspire great musicians like John Legend to spew out songs like “All of me”. If you need to be inspired, talk to a woman (good woman) and she will open the creative outlets of your brain with her words.

For you women who think that you are weak, I want you to change your mentality. You can be whatever you want just don’t ignore your role in the circle of life. Men (especially me) are incapable of showing love and when we do, we do it in the most ridiculous ways. When women show it, they really, really show it both physically and mentally. When I take a look at the television and I see a programme featuring gay men, I just wonder, what will profit a man to lose his dignity, dope on oestrogen supplements and say “I am officially a woman”? Men are naturally aggressive; it takes a woman to douse the flames of aggression with love. I am not saying this as an excuse for men to become assholes to their spouses. I am saying that you should respect the woman beside you because she is keeping you in check.

For women who have assumed the role of men and resorted to lesbianism, please, change your mind. Men are not perfect. We are direct opposites of what you read in romantic novels, where a man meets a woman and all of a sudden, BANG you both fall in love and get married and you move into a castle in the mountains. Love takes time. Take the time to know us, and then you will know how to melt us. Only love can chip away our stony hearts to reveal our soft core. Some of you have grown up with some shitty men who treat you wrong and you feel that’s how all men are. Just as you don’t have equal fingers, all men are not the same. There are good men out there who are well trained by God fearing parents. For those of you (women) who are suffering from trauma caused by other men in the form of rape, get help and don’t give in to the trauma. Do not let life rub you of your womanhood. Someone suffering from a trauma can be likened to a palm tree. Life’s typhoon will bend you, stretching you to your limits but when the typhoon stops, you should bounce back standing proud and strong. The palm tree may have some bruises and tiny fibre breaks from the bend but time heals it.

I look forward to reading your comments.

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