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First of all, good day to you all and thank you for clicking on my link; it means a lot to me. Please if you have the time, read my previous articles and let me know what you think.

Today, will want to talk about a very important phenomenon that is common with both the male and female species that is, TEMPTATION. According to English Dictionary App, temptation is defined as “pressure applied to your thinking designed to create wrong emotions which will eventually lead to wrong actions”. I have come to agree with this particular definition because if you are a human being born of a man and woman, you will always feel the pressure to do the wrong thing because, whether you want to admit it or not, doing the wrong thing is more appealing than doing the right thing.
We live in a world where we are attracted to what we see with our eyes and don’t care to listen to what our conscience is saying. The slogan “if it feels right, do it” is now the norm of the day. To yield to temptation is now seen as being human. We forget that we should be in control of our bodies and not the other way round.

Like I said in the previous paragraph, if you have not been tempted before, then you are lying. Every man who is born of a man and a woman has been tempted in his life. In fact you are tempted everyday you walk on the street, home, at work, everywhere you can think of; there is temptation everywhere. Let us take a few examples. The most common type of temptation is the sexual temptation. I’d love to go into the kinky details about this type of temptation but I will just give the most common examples. A man whose sexual appetite is always on overdrive will easily yield to the temptation of going to the brothel to meet his “basic needs”. A woman, who is a known nymphomaniac, will easily yield to the sweet words of men. This kind of temptation is conversant with young people especially teenagers. Teenagers go through a stage called the impressionable stage. At this stage, adults and more experienced teenagers prey on these young people by putting strange ideas into their heads which will eventually ruin their lives. These adults use their overpowering charisma in seducing these teenagers in order to get what they want because they say “the younger, the better”.

Sexual temptation also, has something to do with the temptee’s preference. If the tempter has the banging body of Halle Berry with all the “essentials” in place, the temptee could easily fall for the tempter. Just like the song “Tempted to Touch” by Rupee. The media has contributed to sexual temptation because they feed our minds with visual images of the “Ideal” beauty. As for men, a woman should have large sized breasts, average sized hips and thighs complete with a beautiful face comprised of a pointed nose, puffy lips, and light coloured eyes. For women, the man must be six feet tall, muscular build, a handsome face comprised of a chiselled jaw, a straight nose and a “wonderful smile”. When both sexes (male and female) meet people with their ideal preferences on the street or in a party, they will easily fall for whatever jargon the tempter comes up with because one look at them is able to knock common sense away from the temptee.

Another type of temptation is food. Don’t get me wrong, I love food but if you want to live a healthy life, you should minimize the kind of food you eat. A person who is used to eating junk food made by the likes of McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Chicken Delight, Shawarma and others, will end up having clogged arteries which will lead to a heart attack or cardiac arrest. I wonder if the people who have yielded to this temptation have seen shows like “The Biggest Loser”, and other Medical themed Shows. These people live the fast food life and they go through rigorous exercises which could have been avoided if they had just eaten well balanced meals.

I would love to give more examples but concept of temptation is still the same. We are tempted because we are attracted to what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell; and can’t control our feelings when we see these things we love so much. Our bodies give us the illusion that the satisfaction of our five senses will give us fulfilment.

From my little experience as a young man, I can think of one way of overcoming temptation and that is, knowledge. Knowledge is one of the most effective means of overcoming any sort of temptation. The popular Adam and Eve story is one of the few examples in the bible where ignorance (and stubbornness) played a huge role in the couple falling into temptation. If they had known that disobedience will cost them their “Glory”, they would not have eaten the forbidden fruit. Another example is our lord Jesus when he was tempted of the devil; he used knowledge to counter the devil’s tricks, this can be seen in Matthew 4:1-11. If you are knowledgeable about the consequences of a particular suggestion or advice given by someone, you will not easily fall into temptation.

Is not okay to fall into temptation but if you do, do what children do. Every time they fall, they struggle to get back up; it is painful and humiliating; dust yourself up and get back up from that humiliation you suffered from falling into temptation. Life is all about ups and downs. I am not an exception; I have fallen several times to the temptations of the flesh but I make sure I don’t fall for the same trick again. You should do the same.

Before I give this article a rest, I just want to write one thing. We should exercise our minds more than our bodies. Our bodies need exercise but we should win the war over our bodily desires by winning the battle of the mind. So read more books, watch more motivational videos and do what is right.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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