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Hello again and welcome to the iExcel360 blog. I am so happy to have you reading this little piece of mine because it shows that you have taken interest in my work. Please take your time to review other articles I have written and let me know what you think.

Today, while I was doing my regular Wikipedia reading, I stumbled into an article about a movie called “Zulu”. Before I get to the crux of the matter, I would like to give you a summary about this movie. This movie was made in 1964 and tells a (sort of) fictional story about the defeat of the British army at the hands of Zulu warriors in one part of South Africa. The Zulus armed themselves with the ammunition of the dead British Soldiers and proceeded to advance and wipe out the entire British Army. The British know from the very beginning that the battle will be a losing one but they still got the courage to fight and rescue civilians that were in the line of fire. During the movie, one of the soldiers “Stated the Obvious” that they were going to die and was giving the commanding officer the full lecture on how screwed they were (forgive my language), from a “Tactical” Point of View. The commander did the wise thing by putting the broken officer in the cargo hold to prevent him from bringing down the morale of the men. To cut the story short, the British soldiers fought with everything they had and when they felt their end was near, the Zulu warriors praised the British soldiers for putting on a good fight instead of giving up.

Now back to the subject at hand. I am sure you might be wandering “what does this story have to do with anything?” Well, I’ll be getting there. There are times in your life when you believe you are at your wits end or as one might say, “You are screwed on a colossal level” and you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. But guess what there is always a light at the end of that tunnel but the light is only available for those who keep moving forward. The story I wrote is one of the many stories in this world that tell the tales of people who made the best use their circumstances and moved forward despite their current situations. We see them every day, when we walk down the street, in our places of work and so on. For instance, a journalist has to meet a deadline for a particular story on his/her beat and she feels she has no tangible material for her story. This gets the journalist frustrated to the point he/she wishes a pistol will materialize in her hands and use it to blow his/her brains out. But she decides to keep looking and looking then all of a sudden, the journalists finds him/herself in the middle of a juicy scoop and does what he/she does best, write a story; the deadline is met and the journalist gets to keep his/her job.

The fact is, this world is full of battles and believe it or not, every single one of us is fighting one battle(s) after another. Reverend T.D. Jakes says that “For every new level, there is a new devil”. This is what I call STATING THE OBVIOUS which is “stating known facts” but tell me something, do you allow these facts get to mess with your head? When you are working on a project there will be people who will tell you that this/that is not possible; some are pessimists others are just send by the devil to pull you down. But you know what, I love having these people around me and here is why; these people tell you the facts of the matter concerning your plans, life goals and objectives. These facts include the cant’s in your plans; so instead of allowing the cant’s mess with your goals, you should be the like the commander that used everything in his disposal to fight and make sure your dreams become reality. For instance, I want to become a singer and I am told by people that I am not talented enough; that should give me a boost to go and get singing lessons or I want to be a programmer but I am told that I am not good at C++ or Python; that should give me the boost to learn all I can about the subject matter. Please remember the dreams you have are given to you by God because you are capable of fulfilling them. God will never give you what you can’t handle. Follow your dreams and do not get jealous of another person because you feel theirs is better than yours. Make the best you of the “little” that you have.

If you know that you are not strong enough to figure out what how to actualize your plans with the view of these “one sided pessimists and devils inspired friends”, try locking away these friends of yours and hook-up with people who can see the cant’s and the can’s in your dream and how you can apply them. These people will “give it to you” straight without mincing words or holding back their punches. But with their criticism comes understanding and with understanding, you will look for new and improved ways of making your dreams come true.

As the year draws to a close, you might be thinking, “I have not done what I am supposed to do this year and it is too late”. As long as you are alive, you have the strength to fight. As a Christian, I would recommend that you fight in the place of prayer, and God will drop something in your heart on how you can fulfil your dreams. Like I said earlier, “For every new level, there is a new devil” even if you accomplish one goal, there are other battles ahead of you as you move forward.

Just make sure your foundation is strong and you will not be moved (Matthew 7:24-27).

I look forward to reading your comments on the box below.
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