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Hello and welcome to my blog. If you are reading my article for the first time, I am humbled that you took the sweet time out of your busy schedule to read my blog. Well I hope you enjoy this topic. If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, my contacts are below this article.

Today I want to write about a phenomenon that is becoming extinct in our society, that is, VIRGINITY. According to by trusty English Dictionary app, a virgin is “a person who has never had sexual intercourse, or sometimes, one who has never engaged in any sexual activity at all".

From the definition above, virginity is the act of abstaining from sex from the moment of conception. This practice like I mentioned earlier is now a foreign phenomenon in our generation. If you are a virgin, you are considered a “Jew”, “Virgin Mary”, or just “plain unlucky”. The part of being unlucky is seen mostly in guys because those who have experienced sex and are still experiencing it, tell those who have not experienced sex that they “have no game” and they are not men. These days, when a man and a woman are together, they are expected to “do the nasty”. No time for talks, because they say “talk is cheap”.

Now I am getting to the crux of my topic; is virginity a virtue or a burden? Virginity can only be a burden if you are surrounded with people who do not share the same sentiments as you do. There are environments where people grow up where debauchery is the order of the day and if you have not “done it” at a certain age, you are not considered a man/woman. As for me, I have been taught that virginity is a virtue and I have had the privilege of meeting people in my life who have encouraged me to be the way I am without changing a thing. I have heard from friends, who have already had sex, they say that there is nothing special about the act. It only lasts a couple of minutes or hours (as your stamina can take), but at the end of it all, you have accomplished nothing significant except bodily satisfaction; well guess what? I am in pursuit of inner satisfaction. I don’t want to live my life in the moment; I want to make every moment of my life count for something.

Virginity has its own advantages and here are some:
1.      You are in control of your body, mind and soul.
2.      You will know how to love unconditionally.
3.      As you grow, you begin to see things differently from other people.

These are some of the advantages I know.

The disadvantages that I have heard of are (to me) stupid. I have heard that you will have “blue balls” (guys) or you will have problems with your prostate (guys) or you will not know how to please a woman and take her to “cloud nine”. For the ladies, I have heard that, your womb will rot, your private parts will close forever, and you will not know how to please a man and so on. I am sure you can mention a lot more than I can. And for both sexes, “you may die tomorrow, why not enjoy today?” BULLSHIT!!!

There is a reason why sex is meant for married people. Sex is a connection between two people (or three if you are into group sex) but here is the thing, if you sleep with your partner(s), you are connecting yourselves not just physically, but emotionally. Whether you want to admit it or not, there is something that leaves you when you have sex with another human being and something else comes into you. You might think of it as an exercise to burn unnecessary calories; if you want to burn calories faster, try jogging or get a treadmill.

Your body should be a gift to your partner. When a married couple have sex, they are sharing something special. You have gone on dates, told each other your secrets, established trust, and can handle your weaknesses but sex should be the last thing on your list. That is why married people call sex CONSUMMATION, that is grammatical term for “sealing the deal” on your relationship.

For those of virgins and non-virgins (male and female) who have one form of sexual dysfunction or another, I will advise you that you should seek medical help. Sex should be enjoyed by both parties and not one alone. A partner’s inability to satisfy the other partner due to sexual inexperience should not be a yardstick for discarding him or her. Remember not all men and women are the same; what will turn one woman on may not be the same for another (this works for men as well).

For those of you who are not virgins anymore, try celibacy. The concept of celibacy is not restricted to monks and nuns, it can be applied to normal human beings like you and I. As long as we are alive we have chances to change our lives for the better. You cannot get back your virginity but you can give yourself some value. Love yourself; don’t allow any man or woman swoon or cajole you into “giving it up” just because you have done it before.

Every human being is special; don’t allow the norms of your environment kill your innocence. Just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t mean you should do it because your name is not “Everyone”. Remember, no matter whom you are (male or female), you are created beautiful. Don’t feel intimidated by that girl or guy that has people swarming around them just because they are prodigies in bed. I have recently discovered that girls (not just guys) dig virgins more than the studs out there that have tasted every girl. Those studs end up being hated because; they have tasted every girl they set their eyes on. Girls who are experienced want a guy who for once is not really interested in screwing her there and then; small talk goes a long way, believe me, I know what I am talking about.

I know what you might be thinking “he might have already done it and now he is preaching to us like some worn out monk”; well, if I am a virgin or not is not the issue. But mistakes like this should be avoided by the upcoming generation. You have a choice to break out of this vicious circle of generational debauchery. Being a virgin is a hard and tall order to follow but it is a great virtue to have and that is why it is a good burden to carry because it improves your self-image.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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