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Hello once again and welcome to my blog. In case you are reading this blog for the first time, I just want to say how happy I am that you are reading my inner most thoughts on certain subject matters. If you look below or press the PREVIOUS hyperlink, you will find other articles that I have written. So, sit back and enjoy the thoughts of a free thinker.

Today I want to talk about music and its connection to the heart and soul. If you go to my previous articles I wrote something similar to this. This article is more like a continuation than a fresh one. Music to me is life. Without music, my heart and soul would be just “BLAH” or empty. Music is an effective way of relaying a message.

I am sure you have heard of artists who have bastardized music to the point of no return. These artists have one thing in common. They have not learned to tap into their hearts and souls for inspiration. As a song writer I have somehow managed to tap into the inner most parts of my being to write music. I am sure you might ask me, “how is that possible”? Well, your “being” can be roughly translated as “who you are”, your experiences, your pains, your gains, your highs and your lows. When you transcribe your thoughts into pen/paper, you will definitely make good lyrics.

I am extremely grateful for the digital age. Almost everything is electronic and online. But there are some things that cannot be digitized (for now) like love, hate, sadness, happiness and peace. These days, to make music is so simple; all it takes is the click of a button. Like I said before I love the digital age but I am a huge fan of the old ways.

The ability to create music should not just stem from “surface triggers” like narcotics which only take you so far. We should dig deep into ourselves to create songs that matter without resorting to Marijuana and other hard substances. I admit legendary artists like Bob Marley spewed lyrics that made him a legend but he died of cancer. I know that as humans, we try to push the limit of our brains by resorting to the “Sherlock Holmes” method (taking narcotics) to make us smarter but we should look for more creative/healthy ways of stirring our creativity like fasting. A friend of mine DON ENESSY in a recent interview said that he got inspired when he was hungry. Hunger is a natural stimulant. Instead of eating anything that comes your way, try denying your body food and channelling your “eating” instincts into creating music. There is a saying, HUNGER BUILDS CHARACTER.

Dolly Parton, the famous country singer said in an interview that whenever she wanted to write a song, she went to her private cabin and isolated herself. She conducted several exercises like fasting to juggle her creative faculties to create lyrics. Another person that practices self denial is the lead singer for the band Coldplay; he said that he always drinks water for a couple of days before a performance. I cannot forget my personal lord and saviour Jesus Christ; before he would preach, he would take some time to commune with God alone before he would preach.

Please, keep in mind this is only one of the ways I know how to spurn one’s creativity. But all methods have one thing in common and that is, SELF DENIAL. Take a break out of your busy, calculated schedule and deny yourself of what makes you happy for a while just to write something down. You might be a good singer but a great singer sacrifices more.

I am sorry for those of you who are not enthusiastic about music as I am, but you should note that in any endeavour in life, you should first of all look within/encourage yourself before you look for other people’s approval or blessing. It is just like breathing, you first of all, breathe in before you breathe out and not the other way round.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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