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Hello once again and welcome to another time with me and my crazy thoughts. Today I want to write about a poison that kills faster than cyanide and slower than Thallium. That poison is called UNFORGIVENESS. I am sure you might be reading this and saying this guy is here again with his “moralistic crap” but please bear with me as you read this piece.

Have you ever thought of killing someone who has offended you? Have you ever thought of getting even with that boyfriend/girlfriend who promised you FOREVER and now it is “For-NEVER”? Well, I want to tell you that you are killing yourself and no one is worth it. Un-forgiveness can be likened to corrosive acid in a metal barrel. It does not immediately chip away the metal but with time, it not only chips away the barrel but also other factors like rust set in, rendering the barrel useless.

I am a movie fanatic and one of my favourite movies on un-forgiveness is THE BLITZ. This movie tells the story of a serial cop killer who goes on a murder spree killing innocent police officers. But later on the viewer is shown that the cause of the antagonist’s madness is as a result of a hot headed police officer who assaulted him when he resisted arrest. The antagonist was actually at fault because he called the police officer an “F-ing Pig” and as a result, he was humiliated. The antagonist simmered on that experience until it ate his heart and brain. The police officer told him that he was at fault; instead of learning his lesson, he gave in to false pride. He was acquitted but he wanted to kill that officer because he felt he was untouchable and would use the officer’s rising infamy against him which will end up in the expulsion of the officer and the killer will receive millions in damages. To prevent anymore spoilers, the antagonist ended up in disgrace.

The hard truth is, everyone will offend you and it is your choice if you want to let go or get even. Letting go (forgiveness) is the best way to get over someone who hurts you. God in his infinite wisdom made the human heart to contain a certain level of stress. Once it goes beyond that limit, physical damages like clogged arteries from unused cholesterol leads to heart attacks. When you are unforgiving, the heart pumps faster because you are angry and your liver produces cholesterol because you are sending signals to your system that you are stressed and when you don’t use the cholesterol, via exercise within 72 hours, it becomes bad and clogs your arteries. That is why young people especially unforgiving people, die early.

The psychological effects of un-forgiveness are numerous to count. Here are a few downsides to un-forgiveness. They are, stress, resentment, mental instability, sadism, loneliness and so on. No one was born a murderer, thief, womanizer, whore and every negative vice in the dictionary. Most of these vices you see in our society are as a result of un-forgiveness. You will hear stories like “my mother assaulted me that’s why I turned to prostitution or my father assaulted me and that is why I am gay”. Un-forgiveness keeps one in a box where the offended person looks at him/herself as “the real me”. The offended individual starts by getting even with the person that offended him but that is not enough he/she transfers their anger to the society in general. This is where you hear comments like, “love died with the Titanic”, “There are no good men or women”, and “I will never fall in love again” et cetera.

As a rational human being, you might be thinking that I am unreasonable but it is up to us to break the vicious circle of violence in our lives. Just because someone offends you, that does not mean everyone will offend you on that same offence. Just because some douche bag broke up with you this does not mean all men are douche bags. All men were not born with the name “ALL MEN”.

To conclude this long article, I would love to write that letting go is the best solution to un-forgiveness. My favourite reference material THE BIBLE, says that when one offends you, seven times, you should forgive that person, seven times seven (Matthew 18:22 ). It also mentioned that if someone slaps you on the right cheek, you should offer the left cheek (Luke 6:29). I am sure you are saying that those who forgive easily are cowards but that is not the issue. Think of it this way, if I forgive, this person, I am taking the pressure off my heart and I want to live long. The bible says that you should not allow the sun set on your anger (Ephesians 4:26). Be angry but don’t allow it control your decision making thought process. Here is the fun part about forgiveness; you are heaping coals of fire on the person that offends you (Proverbs 25:21-22). Sadists who offend other people don’t know how to handle forgiveness and love. They are expecting you to be bitter and they get off other people’s resentment towards them. Being nice to a sadist or an offender makes them confused and bitterer because you are not giving them the satisfaction of being resentful.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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