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Hello once again and welcome to what I can hope is another eventful and fulfilling day for you and if not, I humbly suggest that you count your blessings. I have been writing some weird topics like The Fight Club and the Thin Line Series but today I want to write about another weird topic which is the gift of LOSING.

Sure you will say, “I am not a loser, I am a winner” well, I would like to inform you that if you have not lost, you have not learned. I will explain the last sentence during the course of this article so keep your eyes peeled for pointers.

I am a big fan of action movies especially, ones that involve martial arts. You will see the protagonist who is confident in his/her skills because no one in the country can beat him/her. Then all of a sudden, a foreigner with superior skills breaks the protagonist’s spirit by giving him a humiliating defeat. The protagonist sulks for a while and all of a sudden picks up the courage/humility to seek help from a martial arts instructor who points out the flaws in his technique and he gives him extra training, making him stronger than before; and when he is ready he/she asks the antagonist for a rematch and the protagonist beats the movie antagonist.

From the example above I am sure you are getting the picture of where I am heading. Everyone in life MUST experience loss. The fact that you are always winning, is because you have not met a challenge that will take you out of your comfort zone. When you are comfortable in your comfort zone, pride sets in and that’s when your vulnerabilities are known and exploited. At that point, you will definitely lose because you keep repeating the same old tricks you used in winning and have not humbled yourself to research new ways of improving your craft thereby making you a “One Trick Pony” or referred to as “That Guy or Girl”.

Losing is one characteristic of any human being. If you have never lost in life, I cannot consider you human. The only people who I can consider winners are “demigods” or “gods”. Loss makes a human being think harder about how he can avoid the same mistakes that made him lose in the first place. We were not born into this world knowing everything. The creator in his magnificent wisdom gave us freewill in order for us to explore the far reaches of our minds and communicate with other people who have gone through what we are going through. Without losers, there will be no communication and there will be no ingenuity. Thomas Edison was considered a loser when he failed to create the electric bulb ninety-nine times but eventually, he got it right the one hundredth time. When asked about his accomplishment, he said that he did not consider those ninety-nine loses as loses but ways in which the experiment will not work.

Please keep in mind that there is a difference between losing and being lost. Losing is when you have not given up on a failed plan or yourself but being lost is when you have given up on yourself and have resorted to listening to all the negativity around you. If I could get a nickel for every time I have heard the term “it is impossible”, I would be a billionaire. Why don’t you try and turn that word “impossible” to I-am-possible? Life is filled with negatives and positives; there is no in-between. There will always be people who will boo you in this stage called LIFE. It is your choice to look within yourself and figure out what went wrong and get cracking on how you can accomplish your dreams. I can liken life to a circular maze filled with obstacles. You have to figure out your way to the centre; if you get lost, you will definitely find people who are on the same journey as you are and you will find those who have reached the centre and will help you reach that centre. Your approach may not be the same as mine but once you make up your mind to reach the centre, you will.

There is a particular trend that bugs me all the time. People are being called losers because they are not living the ideal life that society dictates. Just because I because have no girlfriend and you have a harem of girlfriends does not make you a winner and me a loser. The fact that you “score” chicks every night does not make you a winner, it only makes you an idiot because you are wasting your life. We live in an age where if someone does not post a nude/semi-nude picture, you are not part of the tribe thereby you are tagged as a loser. This is so stupid. Real Losers are people who have given up on themselves and have resorted to dwell on the negative influences of their environment thereby making them lost. But all hope is not lost. What was lost can be found again; it is up to YOU to find yourself and clean up your act. Never lose yourself to your battles. YOU MAY HAVE LOST A FEW BATTLES BUT YOU HAVE NOT LOST THE WAR.

For those of you readers who have experienced loss and you are thinking of giving up, please find that little light within you called COURAGE to pick yourself up. Your loss should be your lesson. Remember, there is a huge difference between going down and staying down. As long as you are drawing oxygen, you should keep on exploring “legitimate” avenues to improving yourself and your hustle.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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