First of all, good day to you all and thank you for clicking on my link; it means a lot to me. Please if you have the time, read my previous articles and let me know what you think. Today, will want to talk about a very important phenomenon that is common with both the male and female species that is, TEMPTATION . According to English Dictionary App, temptation is defined as “pressure applied to your thinking designed to create wrong emotions which will eventually lead to wrong actions”. I have come to agree with this particular definition because if you are a human being born of a man and woman, you will always feel the pressure to do the wrong thing because, whether you want to admit it or not, doing the wrong thing is more appealing than doing the right thing. We live in a world where we are attracted to what we see with our eyes and don’t care to listen to what our conscience is saying. The slogan “if it feels right, do it” is now the norm of the day. To yield to temptation...
This blog contains my innermost thoughts concerning our society