everyone, today I want to talk about the “Happy Drug”. In this context, I will
be talking about the extreme/risky stunts people do to find happiness. I know
there is a saying that you should live your life like it is your last but have
you ever stop to think about the choices that you make? Some people live life
carelessly all because they want to be “happy”. To find happiness, they resort
to doing unfathomable things to themselves and in this piece, I‘ll be talking
about some of the stunts people pull to make themselves happy. But before I
begin, I want to talk about my definition of the word “Happy”. According to me,
it is just a feeling of freedom and whatever makes you smile. The feeling of
freedom is just like the song HAPPY by Pharrell “feeling like a room without a
of the wrong means by which some people find happiness is, making other people
miserable. This is seen in bullies. Bullies think that they can find happiness
by bringing other people down by pumping negativity and self-disgusting words
to other people. They also go as far as killing or taking what makes that other
person happy because when they do that, they have a feeling of power over that
individual. To all you bullies out there who take pleasure in making other
people miserable, I humbly suggest that you get a reality check; because the
person you bully today will become your boss tomorrow. If you feel that you
will lose your “street rep”/coolness, ask yourself this question, where do you
see yourself in the next ten years? Do you see yourself as a happy man? Or a
bored/depressed human being who is angry at the world because you feel the
universe owes you a favour? Do you want to be respected or feared? The choice
is yours. For my next piece, I will be talking about the thin line between fear
and respect in the “Thin Line” series.
means of finding fake happiness is over-indulgence in drugs. These days, hard
drugs like cocaine and heroin are used by the “upper echelon” of drug users
because they are expensive for normal people to afford. These days,
prescription drugs are mixed together to get the same effect as cocaine and
heroin. I served as a Corper (NYSC) in Gombe State Nigeria, and I was assigned
to Balanga Local Government. Over there, I experienced things I never know
about hard drugs. They would mix Coca Cola (Coke Soda) with cough medicine.
Neighbourhood boys knew the name of prescription drugs like Tramadol which is supposed
to be a powerful pain killer which is equivalent to Morphine. These drugs are
taken beyond the normal dosage and the effects are the same as cocaine. The
problem with these drugs (expensive and cheap) is the fact that these drugs
take a toll on your kidneys and other internal organs. Sometimes I ask people,
haven’t you heard of ORGAN FAILURE?!? In the aspect of alcohol consumption,
please go to my previous article on ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION.
are other means by which people seek to be happy but I will be stopping with
these two examples that I have provided above. To find true happiness, take a
bible, locate and read the scripture Philippians 4:8. It reads “Finally
brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are just, whatever things
are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; of
there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (KJV).
the above scripture, we can see that if you want to be happy, you should think
on things that are good in spite of the seemingly bad situation you are in.
Please do not give in to the poison of depression which gives birth to
resentment and self pity. And the only way you feel you can relief will be to
make other people feel bad or look for someone who you think is not up to your
standards to bring he or she down. But that is not the answer. Count your blessings
because what you feel is a problem, someone else has a bigger problem than
yours. Do not resort to take the DEPRESSION PILL to get better. You may feel
better by taking your anger out on other people but you are only setting
yourself for failure.
can be related to having a broken bone. Instead of resorting to orthodox
treatment and allowing the bone to heal, (counting your blessings and giving
time for your heart to heal), you anesthetize the injury by dulling the pain
using hard drugs (taking your anger out on the world and making other people
miserable to make yourself happy). The thing is, anesthetizing the injury may
dull the pain but it does not last long. The pain will come back with such
force that it will daze you senseless.
please be patient with yourself and count your blessings everyday and look for
other new (good) things to add to what will make you happy. As long as you are
alive, there is always something to dazzle your imagination.
can reach me on my facebook page www.facebook.com/iexcel360
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