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Hello again people, I hope you have enjoyed reading my articles online. Please remember to comment on the box below and log on to my facebook page for more inspirational quotes and words from yours truly.

Today I want to talk about the CANDY CRUSH mentality. For those of you who are conversant with this game, you might think of words like sweet, sugar crush etc. But now I want to talk about the addictive tendencies of this particular game and how we can use the same addictive tendencies in a positive light.

I want to start by saying that I am a huge fan of the game. I play it every day. I love the challenge of the levels and the fact that I will not quit until I have finished a level and move on to the next one. But I have realized one thing, the game is so addictive to the point where people just play and not realize the sole purpose of the game itself. A female friend once told me, “always read between the lines”. The game itself preys on our NEVER SAY NEVER natural instincts.

When we were born into this world as babies, we instinctively wanted to crawl, and then all of a sudden, we wanted to walk, run and finally, fly. I know what you’re about to say “humans can’t fly” but the challenges of life keep us from figuring out how to fly. Candy Crush provides the players different levels of difficulties and tasks the players’ brains in finding out the right combination of candies to create a certain effect and the more candies you align, the more the bonuses and that is where you hear words like DIVINE and SWEET.

Please keep in mind I am not bad mouthing the game. I am a huge fan of the game and I play it every free chance I get. But I want us to take a look at this game in its figurative sense and see how we can use the analogy of the game in our everyday lives. The game can be seen as life itself. It provides us with challenges and difficulties which come in various arrays of candies that are placed on a particular level. At first it seems easy, but as you progress, you find more difficult levels to deal with. But you are rest assured that as you continue to make the right combinations (choices) you will get bonuses that will assist you in getting rid of those difficulties that you will encounter while playing the game.

Also, as you continue playing, you will encounter levels where you are given a limited time of 90 seconds to come up with a solution to a particular problem. In this case the player gives all he can to beat the clock. This is where the NEVER SAY NEVER attitude of the player kicks in high gear. He may fail to beat the clock but that instinct kicks in later on and he/she tries again.

We should put the same attitude in our everyday lives by looking for new things to conquer. When God created you, he gave you everything you need to succeed in life despite your present circumstances. Life is like a candy crush game. You have challenges which are set before you every day and it is your job to think about how you can get through life’s obstacles. There are times you run out of options but that should not stop you from trying again; there are times you can’t beat the clock but do not let it stop you from trying again.

And here is the kicker about this game. It feels like it never ends. Just like life, till the day you die, you cannot avoid challenges but God has given us the means and the intellect to deal with and attack life’s minions that try to weigh us down.



I look forward to reading your comments.
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