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Words of Wisdom for the New Month

Hello folks, welcome to the end of the first month of the year and the beginning of the second month of the year 2016. At this point we can say that this year is not new anymore and we can finally get off the couch and do some work and exercise our brains. The brain is said to be the hard drive of the human body which stores information/releases information to the entire body. There is a popular saying “You cannot give what you don’t have”. If your brain is filled with nothing, you won’t be able to give anything to your society.

Like I said in an earlier article, I really hate to read. You might be saying “what a lazy bum” but I am the kind of person that receives information easily by what I watch and listen to than by what I read. Make no mistake about it, I read sometimes when I feel like it, but I have a catalog of videos that inspire me to do what I do today. Also, I surround myself with friends who encourage me to do significant things in my life. They encourage me to exercise my brain because, if your ‘hard drive’ is empty you will be just like matter (having weight and occupying space).
The Pastor of my church said something which I really appreciate. He said “as God does great things for you, you should also attempt great things for God”. In this year 2016, love God more than you ever have before. Show how much you love him by doing great things for him. No one is an island. You need God as much as he needs you. When God says “bring in the tithes and offering so that they will be food in my house”, God is telling you he needs you and when he says “and prove me if I will not open the flood gates of heaven”, he means that he is capable of providing all of your needs. God owns everything but he is not a loner, he desires human relationship so take the time out of your busy schedule, to talk to him via prayer or do what I normally do. SING!

What else can I say, oh yes, be innovative. Variety is the spice of life. Every day, I put my brain to work on the next article that I am going to write, I go on the internet to research on the ideas I have in mind, and I try to put them into words. Please get your ass of that seat and think. You may not be a writer like me but you may be an Engineer, a doctor, a Lawyer, a singer or whatever; just think of ways to enhance your hustle because the world will not remember you unless you do something what remembering. Ask yourself this question. When someone hears your name, what do they say about you? I know they say that you should not care about what people say about you and you are you no matter who you are but sometimes you have to re-examine yourself through the eyes of other people and make changes where they are necessary.

And finally please, love your neighbor as you love yourself (The Golden Rule; Look it up). If you are married, find new ways to surprise your wife.  A friend of mine said that you don’t have to be a different person to love your spouse, just be the man she knows you to before you got married to her. If you have a girlfriend, treat her right. Don’t treat her like a piece of trash. And if you have a chance to help someone in need, please do it. You may not be rewarded now, but what goes around, comes around. If you sow kindness, you will reap an abundance of it, but if you sow wickedness you will reap a truck load of wickedness.



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