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Transvestites: The Final Blow

I am sure you might be wandering, “what the hell, it seems you got this topic out of an action movie” but no, I want to write on something that has been bothering me. Why would men sacrifice their God given birthright to become women and why would women sacrifice their virtue to become men? Why would society accept this anomaly and establish groups to support it? For this article, I am excluding those who were born with both genitals and had to choose one later in life. It is not their fault. This is for those who have made a conscious decision to undergo a sex change operation.

Before I get to the main article I just want to state the advantages to being born a man and a woman. Men, despite our “flaws” are the head of the society. We make executive decisions, take risks and are supposed to be the workers. Life throws hits on us. We have to deal with providing for the family, making decisions at work, coordinating assignments that are apportioned to us. We are one minded people and only few of us can multi task which is a skill that is learned from experiences. Men are also sensitive which we try to hide but once in a while blow some steam and clam down to recuperate ourselves but a real man knows how to deal with situations without taking it out on our spouses, the society or God. We can be bullied by other men thereby making us feel like women but our ability to stand after falling down is what makes us men.

Women on the other hand are a mystery that cannot be solved by us men, but as a man I have been blessed to know some good women. I am not going to mention names but I love to mention some attributes of women that I know. They are all beautiful in their own way. What a woman lacks in a specific area is replaced by something better. For instance if a woman is not as beautiful as Catherine Zeta Jones, she could have the attitude of Maria (Julie Andrews: Sound of Music). They are the carriers of love, if you can find a woman who has not given in to the frustrations of life, and still decides to love, you are a lucky guy. A woman is the only person in the world who can give birth to another human being. The man only provides the “raw materials” but the woman does all the hard work by carrying another human being inside her. You don’t need much to show a woman that you love her, just be the man you were the moment you met her and she will make you a happy man.

Some of you might say “the world has changed”, “the twentieth century is different from the twenty-first century” but you are dead wrong. If you go online and research transvestites we will see that in the early twentieth century, some men have pulled such stunts people like George William Jorgensen who was later known as Christine Jorgensen. The only difference is that the art has been perfected and within a couple of months, a man can become a woman and vice versa.

One of the reasons I named this article Transvestites: The Final Blow, is because any one (man or woman) who has undergone a sex change operation has given in to the pressure life put us in. The bible makes us understand that as long as we are in this world, we are going to face problems. I read a story of a man who was said to be “beautiful” and because of that, he could not participate in sports, because every time they went to a changing room, the other boys will hide their “packages” because they felt he was a “woman in a man’s skin”. He later gave in to the pressure of his team mates and nursed a plan in his heart to transform into a woman when he got the financial power to do that. Some women are not helping issues. I am certain that the girls in his school must have treated him like a woman by mentioning comments like “is he a real man”? They forget that not all men are the same. Some are rough, some are calm but a calm man does not mean he has a heart of a woman. Sometime one has to calm down and think before acting. A man should not give in to this sort of pressure. If you have friends that give you that impression that you are not manly, and refuse to help you positively, abandon them. They are not your friends. Find friends who can boost your confidence as a man. Your father should be your first best friend, but if he isn’t, look for a good role model. 

Another reason is how they grew up. I know of a man who grew up without a father. He mother wanted a girl and treated his son like a woman. He wore make-up, dressed like a woman and so on. Men like this end up being gay and before you know it, he decided he wanted to be a “complete” woman. The same scenario also goes for women (vice-versa). Please, for all those who are living this lifestyle, I want you to first of all, look within yourself and ask yourself certain questions like “who is a man?”, “what are my responsibilities”? Once you ask these questions, find someone who can orient you on what a man is before it is too late. The therapist should let the men know that it is ok to have an erection whenever you see a beautiful woman but when you do have it, control yourself. And as for the woman, it is ok to have butterflies in your stomach and feel weak in the knees every time you see a man but control yourself and be confident about who you are. There is an African adage that says, “A dried crayfish cannot be bent back”. Seek professional help from a therapist who can re-orient your mind so that you can make the right decisions.

Authority figures are another reason why becoming into a transvestite is trendy in our society. The main example for this point is Bruce Jenner. He is an accomplished athlete, has a beautiful wife, beautiful kids, and most of all, an Ideal model whose accomplishments most men aspire for. But recently, we found out that he is now a woman going by the name Caitlyn Jenner and to crown it up, he was given an award as an all American hero for taking the courage to endure all those nauseating procedures and become a “woman”. There are also some known female authority figures that have transformed themselves to men all in the name of “empowerment”, don’t get me wrong I am a big fan of the empowerment of women. I believe a woman should be respected, educated and have some position in the seat of power. But when they transform themselves to men it has turned from “empowerment”, to “insanity”. People, choose the right authority figures to follow. Just because someone has made a name for his/herself, that does not mean they are heroes. There are others who can be emulated like Bill Gates who still takes the bus. He is a perfect example of power and humility. Women, I would recommend someone like Oprah; I admit I don’t like everything she does but she has accomplished more than most men and she has that don’t-give-up spirit.

Finally, the reason why I believe people are taking the “transvestite short-cut”, is because they want to prove a point, that they are mature and they can do whatever they want and they know the consequences they will face or they don’t know and they don’t care. Just like someone buying a new car just for the fun of it, some people want to change their sex to grab some attention and prove a point that they are “free” to do what they want. In my previous article, I said that freedom is not really free. You are held accountable for every decision you make in life. In a society where the media turns certain good ideologies into bad ones, this is the end result. Ideologies like “you can be anything you really want to be if you just believe” are being used by the society and the media to promote this error. We have to sit back and think on every decision we make before we make them. Changing your sex doesn’t make you trendy. It makes you a failure and it will take the grace of God to fix you.

For those of you who have been molested by the people you look up to, I say that you should forget the past and get over it. I may sound harsh but you have to get over it. Any uncle, who sleeps with his nephew, should be killed on the spot. You are trying to sow a seed of self-loathing in him. Same goes for every aunt who sleeps with her niece. It doesn’t stop at being gay; when the chance comes they can decide to change their sex completely. Then the victims begin to blame God, they family, and society and end up becoming sociopaths. Please, if you are a victim, I advise you to get over the hurt of the past and face the future, now you are an adult; I want you to take a “mind modification” exercise. It going to be painful but it will make you a better person. Tell yourself that this world is indeed wicked but there are good people. I might fall down but I won’t stay down. People may tell me that my past will define my future but God’s word tells me that “old things are passed away, and they have become new”.

I will stop with this; as long as you are alive, you have the choice to change for the better. If you are a homosexual, please change your ways because, from the way the society is heading, this might be the new trend. You have a chance to change, I suggest you take it. And for all straight heterosexual men out there that are thinking of modifying their bodies to suit the opposite sex is suggest that you get comfortable with what you have. Men have to deal with constant erections, and women have to deal with their monthly cycle. There is no perfect sex. You are who you are. Changing your sex does not make you a better person. Changing your mindset is what makes you a better person.

I can’t wait for your comments please drop them below on the comment section.

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