Hello people, welcome to another time with yours truly, and thank you for taking your precious time to look at my blog. Today I want to continue from where I stopped in my last article on Self Love. In the last issue, I wrote about how the physical side of self love. Right now I want to write about its spiritual side; in order words how you can love yourself spiritually. In the last issue I used Ne-Yo’s quote on the popular song “Let me love you until you learn to love yourself”. This time I want to talk about my anchor, mentor and best friend Jesus Christ when he said “Love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; the second is like it love your neighbour as you love yourself” ( Mark 12:30-31 ). In my last article, I wrote that the person that loves you should be someone who impacts you positively and not the other way round. I will try to keep this article as brief as I can.