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Showing posts from December, 2016


Hello and welcome to another brand new year. I don't intend to write any long piece today. I just want to say that you should look at 2017 as another chapter in your life and every day, week and month of this year as pages you have to fill. Fill these "pages" with good memories and wise decisions.


Hello folks, hope you are having a wonderful day? Before I get to the topic at hand, I just want to say, SEASONS GREETINGS or MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Today, I want to talk about the X-Mas Factor. We are in a period where everyone wants to shorten long words to make things easier to pronounce but the sole purpose of this article is, there are some words that should not be just “pushed behind the queue” because doing that will make the meaning the word useless. Let us take a look at the word X-Mas. In mathematical terms, X symbolizes the “Unknown Variable” in an equation. Why should we replace Christ with X; as if we don’t know who and what we are celebrating? This is so annoying when I think about it.


Hello again and welcome to the iExcel360 blog. I am so happy to have you reading this little piece of mine because it shows that you have taken interest in my work. Please take your time to review other articles I have written and let me know what you think. Today, while I was doing my regular Wikipedia reading, I stumbled into an article about a movie called “Zulu”. Before I get to the crux of the matter, I would like to give you a summary about this movie. This movie was made in 1964 and tells a (sort of) fictional story about the defeat of the British army at the hands of Zulu warriors in one part of South Africa. The Zulus armed themselves with the ammunition of the dead British Soldiers and proceeded to advance and wipe out the entire British Army. The British know from the very beginning that the battle will be a losing one but they still got the courage to fight and rescue civilians that were in the line of fire. During the movie, one of the soldiers “Stated the Obvious...