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Hello people, welcome once again to another beautiful day. First of all thanks for clicking on this link and viewing this article. Please take your time to review other articles I have written on this blog and let me know what you think on the comment section.

Today I want to write about this sensitive question that I ask myself sometimes. “Why am I what I am?” I am sure you have asked this question at least once in your life. The simple answer is, I am what I am because that is who I am. I will try to keep this article short and simple.

Life itself is in stages. You are born, you learn to walk speak and think. Later on, you are educated by both secular (Primary, secondary and Tertiary education), Spiritual (Christian, Muslim and other traditions) and Societal education. These stages of education whether you know it or not, make up who you are as an individual. But please take note that despite what you learn from society, the main component that makes you who you are is drawn from the people closest to you (especially your parents).

The most interesting thing about life is that despite the fact that your experiences make up who you are as an individual, it is still no excuse to make life changes that are both physically and spiritually healthy for your existence. For instance, a man who grew up in a house filled with hate; where the father beats the mother and all manner of social vices are found does not mean you (the children) should follow the same trail.

Sayings like “THE APPLE DID NOT FALL FAR FROM THE TREE” are cited where people say the children are just like the parents. This saying is a two edged sword; I say this because, if the mother was wayward, it is a high probability that the daughter may take the same route because or if the father is on the “DOWN LOW” or is secretly attracted to men, it is a possibility that the son will follow suit because, the ideologies of the parents are taught to the children by what the children see every day. This makes the popular slogan “Do what I say and not what I do” the highest form of hypocrisy to be shown by parents and role models.

Here is the fact, when you grow up; you will be exposed to all manner of beliefs, from your family and society in general. Keeping children locked up or children living in seclusion only makes things worse for them because their way of thinking is only one sided. If they want to make an argument, let it not be from just arguing from their own perspective without analyzing the other. As a Christian, I have come to the conclusion that the Christian way of living is the way. Because, living the life of a Christian has helped me to set my priorities straight. I have been taught virtues like love, perseverance, patience and other fruits of the spirit. (Galatians 5: 22-23)

So, to answer the question why I am what I am, I can say that I am the way I am because I have seen the highs and lows of life; I have experienced love and hate; I have experienced praise and criticism; but I choose to live the life of a Christian. So basically, I am the way I am because of my choices. Don’t blame anyone for your misgivings; not your parents and not your friends. You should take responsibilities for your actions. When life hits hard, it is your choice to hit back because you have what it takes to hit back. Staying down and giving in to the hardships of life is your personal choice.

I will like to close with this. Life is a book; we are responsible for what will be written in our respective pages and keep in mind that every choice you make is steadily written; and you the only time you run out of ink is when you die. Please live a life that counts for something. Don’t let the hardships of this world turn you into a person who has a misguided grudge against society. Make your life count for something.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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