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Hello once again, beautiful people. Today I want to talk about the “The Fight Club”. I am writing this piece in reference to the famous Brad Pitt movie with the same title. Before I begin, I will like to start with a brief synopsis of the movie “The fight Club”. This movie is about a character Brad Pitt who is a charismatic activist who owns a fight club and encourages its members to transfer their anger towards society to themselves through violence. He talks about the unfairness of society and how the government limits our freedom to speak,what we hear and the kind of clothes they should wear. The members of this club are regular folks who are fed up with life and they get-off of each other by beating each other senseless. The main character himself is a lazy bum who has a wrecked apartment but is charismatic enough to amass quite a following.

Today in our society, we have people who just sit back and complain about how life has been unfair to them. You will see them in bus stops, newspaper stands and every corner. They do nothing but complain and compare themselves to people who have made it. I was walking on the street recently and I passed by a newspaper stand and a group of young and middle aged men were discussing Soccer. Although I see nothing wrong discussing the sport but my problem was when the discussion switch from the sport to the salaries of the players. They were also discussing about how the flaws of the players and how much a player should be paid.

As humans, we are people who want to be occupied with something or search for something to give us the answer to that age old question “What the hell am I here for?” We relate with people who have something or anything to say as long as it takes our minds off the drama of life. And I don’t blame us because we are humans. But I blame us (humans) for one thing. We don’t look beyond our present circumstances. Let us try looking at the sky for a moment; can you see two birds colliding? Hell no. There are enough opportunities that surround us but we look at our present circumstances and begin to compare ourselves with other people (celebrities) who are giants in their field. You will hear comments like “if it were me, I would have passed the ball to Christiano Ronaldo instead of David Beckham” *just saying*. They take the time to create their own dreams and strive hard to accomplish them.

I intend to make this piece as short as possible so I want to conclude with this. You don’t have to join the organization of “Society Fighters” who find faults in every aspect of life. Life is too short to be sitting around and complain to other people about other people; because guess what? Nobody cares about you unless you do something with your life. All the giants in every profession had something they chose to be good at and they train and read every day to make themselves better people. You should do the same.

Thanks for reading. Please leave your comments on the comment box and visit me on my facebook page


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