Hello, welcome to my blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading my previous articles, if you haven’t, please click on the PREVIOUS hyperlink to read other articles that come out of this crazy head of mine. Today, I want to write about being the best you that you can be. The source for this topic comes from a quote by popular Country Artist Blake Sheldon in the popular TV Talent show, THE VOICE. What does it take to be the best you that you can be? This question has been ringing in my head each time I repeat that episode of the voice where Blake Sheldon said these words “I just want to help you be the best you that you can be”. There are situations where people have little to no faith in you and say that you do not have what it takes to be like someone as great as Nat King Cole, Bill Gates, Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson and other notable figures in world history.
This blog contains my innermost thoughts concerning our society