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Hello beautiful people and welcome to my blog which contains the innermost thoughts of my head. Today I want to get a little realistic on you. I want to write about the illusion of life. Every day, you wake up in the morning pray to God (Christians), brush your teeth, take your bath and go about your day and it seems like an endless circle of doing the same thing day in day out.

Today I was chatting with my mother and she told me something about life that I want to share with you. Life itself is an illusion. You will see someone who will struggle all his life, just to get a piece of paper. This piece of paper could include a degree, money, savings bonds etc and at the end of the day he/she ends up six feet under the ground. Please bear in mind I try to be balanced in all my write-ups; money and degrees are not bad in fact I have a degree in Mass Communication. That is why I am able to write. But we are so focused in the illusion that life offers; you should be the you, you were meant to be rather than allowing life’s waves dictate how you should live.
We tend to live in the life’s waves rather than charting our own course in the oceans of life. The fact that society has brought about a new way of living does not mean that you should follow it. Besides it is men who have decided to chart their own course in life that contribute to the little tweaks we see in our societal structure. For example, it is people like our leaders who dictate how people should live because they have decided to live above the norms the society and instead dictate the course of society. It is our musicians who bring out the catch phrases that we use in our vocabulary like Filé (D’banj), noting dey happen (2Face Idibia) and so many others. These people rode on the storms of life while charting their own course.

It is true that we don’t have long to live on this earth, but what will you be known for before you leave this world to the great beyond? Please take note that death can come to anyone at anytime; it does not respect age, social status (rich or poor), but when it is time, it is time. What will people know you for? Will they know you as the one who was on the verge of something different or as one who did nothing with his/her life and died as a nobody?

For you not to be discouraged here were some inventors who were on the verge of discovery before they died. Eadweard James Muybridge was on the verge of creating animated images. According to the website, Mr. Muybridge AKA Helios, produced a wide array of panoramic landscape photographs of the Yosemite Valley in his mobile dark room. He also invented the zoopraxiscope, a device by which he reproduced on screen horse races, the flights of birds, and athletic contests. He wrote The Horse in Motion (1878) and Animal Locomotion (11 volumes, including 100,000 photographic plates, 1887).  Cited from Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. His inventions are the bases of what we use for animation programmes like Maya and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Another great inventor was Hans Lipperhey. Most historians believe that Dutch spectacle maker (eye glasses) Hans Lipperhey built the first known telescope in 1608 by combining convex and concave lenses at either end of a tube. The Dutch used telescopes as military tools to spot ships approaching from a distance. It was in this study that in 1609 Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei built a telescope to study the sky and revealed the surface of several wonders like the surface of the moon, the changing moons of Jupiter and so many others.

We are now in a generation that has bought into the illusion life has to offer. We think that all that is meant to be invented has already been invented; but that is not true. We are now a smart phone generation. We live life on our tweets, texts and posts. We want to be known as beautiful people at all costs instead of counting the cost to create something that will outlast you. The truth is, there are so many people that are more beautiful and handsome than you and are making real contributions to the society; but what about you? There are so many things that you can invent as an individual and there are so many unfinished works that are waiting to be finished by other people. Just look for your desired field and focus on it.

I don’t have an affinity for science. I am a social scientist and I would like to say that this generation should wake up and use our God given wits to carve our own place in the society. We cannot just sit on the sidelines and just die meaningless deaths. If you will be known as a nice person who helped a brother or sister when he/she was in need, do it. If you are rich, don’t be seen as a hoarder but as a giver. Just like the famous saying “Givers never lack”. If you give, you are investing in human beings who will in turn honor you when you are gone. Some will definitely back stab you, but it is a known fact both on earth and in heaven, that you did something for your society. When Albert Einstein created the formula E = MC2, I don’t think he wanted it to be used for the atomic bomb. I believed as a scientist, he wanted to make a difference but his invention was used for something else.

Please remember, we will all be held accountable for every action we take in this life. If you contributed positively to life on earth you will be rewarded by God. If you contributed negatively on earth, you will feel God’s Wrath but if you do nothing in this world and you just lived and died it will be worse for you than the person who only made negative contributions to society.

I would like to end this with a quote from the bible. Ecclesiastes 11:9 says, “You are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment” NIV.

Please think about this and make that change. It starts with you and me.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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