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Hello once again, sorry for the long absence; I have been on a “personal retreat” trying to jolt the creative outlet of my brain. Today, I want to write about the common misconceptions brought about in movies that are being incorporated by our society. Today, I am going to get physical on this article citing various trends that is affecting our society negatively.

What is right and what is wrong? This is a pretty peculiar question that man has tried to answer since the beginning of time. If what I am doing is wrong, then why does this feel so good? And if what I am doing is good, why do I still feel the same? Well that does not happen always. The difference between right and wrong is as clear as day. If you do what is right, you will feel better about it and the guilt of it will not scar you but doing what is wrong may have long lasting consequences that might outlive you.

Today, I want to talk about the vices that plague our society and the vices that are seen as right when they are actually wrong. If you have read my previous articles, you would have noticed that I repeat this subject matter every time I write. So, I am sorry if I sound like a broken record, I’ll keep on writing it until I see some change in our societal values.

Before I go into some of the vices that have been “accepted” by society, I would like to ask another round of questions; what happened to love? What happened to training our kids the right way? What happened to justice? Where is the culture of trying to fix something instead of abandoning that same thing due to some technical malfunction? What happened to taking responsibilities for your actions? What happened to “whatever will be will be”? What happened to waiting your turn? What happened to hard work? What happened to waiting? What happened to training? These are some of the questions that plague my mind every day, when I walk down my street.

The truth is that in my opinion, we have forgotten our roots. What is said to be wrong can be seen as right. Let’s take an example of indecent dressing. Back in the day (in reference to Nigerian home movies) beautiful village maidens dress in short skirts and beads which is commensurate to our modern day dressing but cases of rape and sexual abuse were unheard of because such cases were dealt with promptly without any delays to serve as a deterrent to other young men. If a man desired a woman, he would have to pay dowry and get married. Nowadays, young men will blame the young women for their woes, by saying stuff like “you deserved it for dressing like that”. Please bear in mind, I am not an advocate of indecent dressing, but I advice women to look beautiful not trashy. Women have become more daring than men. These days, women make the first move. In western culture, they tell you to live your best days when you are young by indulging in all manner of sexual promiscuity while you are still young because when you are matured enough, you might not experience them. This is seen in American teenage movies. I will continue this scenario in another article called WHO IS FOOLING WHO? So watch out for it.

Another scenario that I want to point out is the issue of adultery. We live in a time where people prefer to be sexually empowered rather than intellectually empowered. Both married and unmarried men and women engage in sexual adventures and some of the married ones participate in what they call swinger parties. They use this as an excuse to promote intimacy between the couple and they believe that sex is just an exercise to relive stress and as long as they love each other, the marriage will stand. What “hogwash”! I must admit, sex is good; in fact, it is a natural part of our human existence. Anyone who says they hate sex is either an alien or a cyborg. My problem is not the sex, is just that popular culture (print and electronic media) has convinced some of us that having a side chick or a side guy is ok as long as there are no feelings attached to the sex. This is what is called “sexual liberation”.

There is also the issue of waiting. The media (especially movies), don’t promote abstinence; I know they say charity begins at home but the media also contributes to what we see and hear. When we see the adverts on sex related diseases like HIV, we are told to use a condom and we see different brands of condoms everyday with vivid images promoting the product. Once again I am not writing that condoms are bad, I am just saying that we should focus more on teaching people about self control and waiting for the right partner. There are so many fishes in the sea but you cannot eat all of them. Some are poisonous while others are good for food. We should develop a sub culture of waiting and thinking before making any decision concerning choosing a partner instead of giving in to the urgent needs of the human flesh. I know you might be saying that “This is the modernized version of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. But just like the movie, if we could put our hearts and minds into it, we can do it; MIND OVER MATTER people.

There are other vices which are not mentioned in this article that have been accepted by society that are seen as right but we know in our heart of hearts that it is just wrong. I would like to go over some of the points that I have just mentioned. Condoms are good if you don’t want your spouse the get pregnant but it should not be used as an excuse to indulge in fornication and adultery. Sex is beautiful but it should be respected within the matrimonial home and not shared with outsiders. Learn to love each other and sex should not be the only thing holding a relationship. There should be communication, understanding and purpose. Just like I said in my previous article about virginity, you cannot satisfy every man the same way neither can you satisfy every woman the same way, so what is the point of indulging in sexual adventures while you are young all in the name of experience. I should tell you a secret about me. I would like to treat everything I learn as if I am doing it for the first time because I would like to establish good communication with someone. I believe the same thing could be said about marriage and having sex with your spouse. Well I don’t want to spill the juicy details but I am sure you know what I am talking about. Well let’s just say that IT ALL GOES DOWNHILL FROM HERE. #feelingdirtyrightnow.

The moral to this article is this, before we embark something, weigh the pros and cons, count the cost and see if what you’re about to do, will cost you your soul. As a Christian, I believe that we should enjoy life to the fullest but I will give account of how I spent my life. You can have fun without indulging in our “socially correct wrongs”. This article is not about sex alone but it covers every aspect of life.

 I want to conclude by quoting a verse from the bible “There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction” (Proverbs 14:12)

Please think about this and make that change. It starts with you and me.

I look forward to reading your comments.
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