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Showing posts from January, 2016

Words of Wisdom for the New Month

Hello folks, welcome to the end of the first month of the year and the beginning of the second month of the year 2016. At this point we can say that this year is not new anymore and we can finally get off the couch and do some work and exercise our brains. The brain is said to be the hard drive of the human body which stores information/releases information to the entire body. There is a popular saying “You cannot give what you don’t have”. If your brain is filled with nothing, you won’t be able to give anything to your society.


Hello people, welcome once again to my blog, today I want to talk about the “sink or swim” situation an artist faces when he/she performs on stage. This time, I am writing from my own personal experience as a music director in my local church here in Nigeria. I have two main reasons for writing this piece. The first is to help others to overcome the bane of every artist called “stage fright”. The second reason is more of a selfish one. I am writing it to remind myself why I do what I do and encourage myself to do it. Alright, imagine you are in a vast ocean, and your boat has a slight crack at the bottom. In that situation, you can only sink and drown or hang on to the nearest driftwood you can find and swim till you find land. This is what happens every time an artist gets on stage to perform. Those who have made the decision to swim are those who are confident in their skills (driftwood) and swim across the ocean of onlookers who are looking up to you for something. On the other ...


Happy New year family, how are you doing? I know this is coming a little late but hey, the year is still fresh so, Happy New Year!!!! I don't have much to talk about right now, but I will like to say that you should be the best in everything that you lay your hands on. The Former Minister of Education came to my school several years ago and I am going to tell you what he told us "In Everything you want to do, be the best". So here is my New Year message to you. Be The Best. check out my facebook page .