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Showing posts from December, 2015


Hello people, I am back again with another one of my crazy theories about life. In this case, I want to write about how to harness your soul when it comes to music. Like I always say this is not a real scientific research that I conducted but it is something I have observed. We have heard hits like “Hello” by Adele, “Hello” by Lionel Richie, “Flashlight” by Jessie J, “All of Me” by John Legend and so many others. I believe these people tapped into their souls to write such ground breaking, soul reviving lyrics. This article states my reason for this assumption.


Hello folks, today I want to talk about relaxation and how it makes us think well as human beings. This article is not as a result from any science experiment because I am not a scientist, I am a Journalist and I want to share my little knowledge about the subject matter in my own perspective. I am writing this because I have read on the internet, the increasing rate of high blood pressure among youths who are willing to work hard to make it (which is a good trait) but they should learn to relax. If you are one of them, this article is for you. I am sure you have heard this from doctors, counselors, therapists and the likes “just relax” that’s because it is a natural fixer for anxiety and fear. It helps us think things through when we are in a precarious situation.