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Showing posts from November, 2015

Transvestites: The Final Blow

I am sure you might be wandering, “what the hell, it seems you got this topic out of an action movie” but no, I want to write on something that has been bothering me. Why would men sacrifice their God given birthright to become women and why would women sacrifice their virtue to become men ? Why would society accept this anomaly and establish groups to support it? For this article, I am excluding those who were born with both genitals and had to choose one later in life. It is not their fault. This is for those who have made a conscious decision to undergo a sex change operation. Before I get to the main article I just want to state the advantages to being born a man and a woman. Men, despite our “flaws” are the head of the society. We make executive decisions, take risks and are supposed to be the workers. Life throws hits on us. We have to deal with providing for the family, making decisions at work, coordinating assignments that are apportioned to us. We are one minded people a...


Hello folks, you might be wondering “what’s up with this topic”? I have read/heard it about a thousand times and I am sick of it but I want to talk about the does and don’ts of drinking from my own perspective. Before I continue with this piece, I just want to say that I am not judgemental about drinking. I may have been on the one side of this argument that states that “alcohol is totally bad” but as I grew up, I realized that there are does and don’ts to consuming alcohol. Please, you are free to disagree, comment or criticize this article because I believe it is issues like this that break the chain of ignorance and illuminate our minds. First of all what is alcohol? The Google dictionary describes alcohol as a colourless volatile flammable liquid which is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.

Don Enessy Omobonlale One Bottle

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According to the online philosophy club, Freedom starts with a principle of self-control, also known as self-ownership. In a free society, each and every person has legal control (or "ownership") of their own body and mind. But Freedom to me is a state of mind an individual can do whatever he or she likes with some restrictions. Without self control you are not really free. One must remember that in life what goes around comes around and everyone is responsible for his or her actions.


Webster’s dictionary defines talent as “a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude”. Today there are several talented people in the entertainment game. And only few have taken the variable of hard work out of the equation of success. Greats like James Brown, Lionel Richie, Toni Braxton, and others had some basic training. But there are others who totally rely on their God given talent have been known to fail later on in their careers. My perfect example would be Usher Raymond AKA USHER. He is a talented singer and worked hard on himself and improved and matured from My Way to Climax. He started from singing normal tunes to adding falsetto effects in his voice which stepped up his game and gave him hits like DIVE, LEMME SEE, etc. He received positive criticism for his growth.