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Showing posts from May, 2017


Hello folks and welcome to my blog. I am so happy that you have taken the time out of your busy schedule to read my thoughts on various subject matters. Before I start I want to say (although it is kind of late at this stage), HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. For all the women who support their men, children and home, you have my utmost respect and admiration. I am the product of a good woman, so I will fall for good women like you. Based on the salutation I just made, you should have noticed the where I am going with this topic.


Hello people, how are you? (Not quoting Adele here LOL) I want to resume something I started last year which is the THIN LINE SERIES. Today I want to talk about when professionalism can turn to mediocrity and how thin the line is between these two variables. Before I begin, I want to give my personal definition of who a professional is and who a mediocre is. A professional is someone who takes the time to practice a particular craft to the point you are an authority on that particular subject/craft. A mediocre on the other hand, only knows the basics of a particular craft and sticks to his/her “guns” thinking it is the “end all, be all” of that particular specialty.


Hello folks, I want to once again thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on every subject matter I write upon. Please leave your comments at the comment box and e-mail me on the address below if you want to get personal with me. Today, I want to talk about something that is so obvious that we see it every day. All classes of society (the rich, middle class and poor), are aware of this fact that it is a Wild World; Make no mistakes, the fact that you are born of a woman you will experience tribulations all you have to do is face it head on. The Bible states that “In this world you will face tribulations but don’t worry I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).