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Showing posts from January, 2017


Hello, welcome to my blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading my previous articles, if you haven’t, please click on the PREVIOUS hyperlink to read other articles that come out of this crazy head of mine. Today, I want to write about being the best you that you can be. The source for this topic comes from a quote by popular Country Artist Blake Sheldon in the popular TV Talent show, THE VOICE. What does it take to be the best you that you can be? This question has been ringing in my head each time I repeat that episode of the voice where Blake Sheldon said these words “I just want to help you be the best you that you can be”. There are situations where people have little to no faith in you and say that you do not have what it takes to be like someone as great as Nat King Cole, Bill Gates, Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson and other notable figures in world history.


Hello once again folks and welcome to my blog. Today I want to write about something which will lead to something that will make that “something” meaningful. The “something” want to talk about is, double-speaking. This is a term I just leant in the book I am reading right now which is POINT MAN by Steve Farrar. According to how I understood it, double speaking is when we minimize the gravity of a negative word to make it more palatable to the ear. To make my point clear, here are a few examples. We call Adultery which is a “harsh” word and replace it with “Affair”, Fat as “Big Boned”, and Fornicating as “Testing the Waters”.

Fire and Ice

Hello once again and welcome to another time with me on the iExcel360 blog. I hope you are having a wonderful time? Thank you so much for clicking on this link. Please take the time to read my previous articles. I can only hope that every article you read will inspire you to greater heights. Today I want to talk about Fire and Ice. This article is not about the animated movie of the same name but it’s about the highs/lows, the ups/downs, the good/bad and the better/worse times that everyone in life has to go through. If you think that from the day you were born till now everything in your life has been rosy, you will have to rethink again because everyone has experienced the good and the bad times of life because the good and the bad times make me who I am as an individual.


Hello once again and thanks for clicking on the iExcel blogspot link. It has been almost two years since I started this blog and I am thankful to all of you out there that take your precious time out of your busy schedules to read what I have to say about certain subject matters that are trending in our society. The trend I want to discuss today is what society views as “Beauty”. I used to think that beauty was a word used on the female folk but I have realized that there are men that can be referred to as beautiful. Before we start, I would like to ask the question. What is beauty? Is it the shape of the face? Is it the size of the eyes? Is it the colour of the eyes? Is it in the shape of the lips? Is it in the body type? Well to find out my opinion please stay glued to this article (LOL).