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Showing posts from April, 2017


Hello folks, welcome to another time with yours truly. I want to write how grateful I am that you found the time of day to read my works. I am so grateful. Please take the time to check out the previous articles and let me know what you think at the comment section below. The topic I want to write on today looks like the title of an 80’s Rhythm and Blues song but today, I want to talk about something that is starting to become a foreign concept in our society today. That is, “unconditional attachments”. If you go through the previous links in this blog, you will find that I have written similar topics to this but I just want to reiterate on this subject matter. As usual, I like to be balanced in all my write ups but I want to talk about how the balance of unconditional attachments has affected our society negatively.

It’s my life (Is it?)

Hello folks, first of all I just want to say how sorry I am for not posting any content for a while. I’m back and I want to share something that has been bothering me and my personal answers that I sought to what was bothering me. The issue I want to write about is, WHO OWNS YOUR LIFE? I know what you are thinking; “the topic doesn’t match the subject” but please bear with me and read this little piece. This topic is a continuation of an article I wrote called FREEDOM . Please click on the link and let me know what you think. Please remember your input on the matter will be appreciated.