Hello once again, sorry for the long absence; I have been on a “personal retreat” trying to jolt the creative outlet of my brain. Today, I want to write about the common misconceptions brought about in movies that are being incorporated by our society. Today, I am going to get physical on this article citing various trends that is affecting our society negatively. What is right and what is wrong? This is a pretty peculiar question that man has tried to answer since the beginning of time. If what I am doing is wrong, then why does this feel so good? And if what I am doing is good, why do I still feel the same? Well that does not happen always. The difference between right and wrong is as clear as day. If you do what is right, you will feel better about it and the guilt of it will not scar you but doing what is wrong may have long lasting consequences that might outlive you. Today, I want to talk about the vices that plague our society and the vices that are seen as right when t...
This blog contains my innermost thoughts concerning our society